Write a JavaScript program to sort the characters of a string Alphabetically.Use the spread operator (...), Array.prototype.sort() and String.prototype.localeCompare() to sort the characters in str. Recombine using String.prototype.join('')....
不带参数的 sort():仅按字母顺序和升序对String值的简单数组进行排序 例如 //sort alphabetically and ascending: var myArr=["Bob","Bully","Amy"] myArr.sort()//Array now becomes ["Amy","Bob","Bully"] sort() with a function as a parameter: 根据属性对数组中的对象进行排序;然而,这些项目是...
第四题null 被强转 string 的结果是 'null' 而 undefined 强转 string 的结果 'undefined' 于是string comparison 结果 'm', 'null', 'o' 就可以理解了. 但是 undefined 理应在 't', 'undefined', 'v' 丫. 但却在最后. 这是因为它是一个特殊对待Stack Overflow – javascript array.sort with undefine...
To get the removeDiacritics() function, please refer to this link because it takes quite a bit of useless space if you guys don't need it: Stackoverflow:remove-accents-diacritics-in-a-string-in-javascript 1Remove accents diacritics in a string with JavaScript Here's how I used the top vo...
```javascript // Pull off a header delimited by \n\n // use unshift() if we get too much // Call the callback with (error, header, stream) var StringDecoder = require('string_decoder').StringDecoder; function parseHeader(stream, callback) { stream.on('error', callback); var read...
[Javascript ] Array methods in depth - sort Sort can automatically arrange items in an array. In this lesson we look at the basics including how to sort an array of strings alphabetically and the correct way to perform a numerical sort on an array of numbers. We finish as always with a...
[Javascript ] Array methods in depth - sort,Sortcanautomaticallyarrangeitemsinanarray.Inthislessonwelookatthebasicsincludinghowtosortanarrayofstringsalphabeticallyandth...
Sort all letters in a string alphabetically. Sort Words in a String Sort all words in a string alphabetically. Sort a Numeric String Sort a string that contains only numbers. Reverse Words in a String Reverse the order of all words in a string. Reverse Sentences in a String Reverse ...
The localeCompare() method compares two strings in the current locale. It returns a number which indicates whether an element comes before, after, or is equal to the given string in sort order.Tagsfunction javascript array Related Resources How to Check if an Element is Present in an Array ...
Thesort()method sorts an array alphabetically: Example constfruits = ["Banana","Orange","Apple","Mango"]; fruits.sort(); Try it Yourself » Reversing an Array Thereverse()method reverses the elements in an array: Example constfruits = ["Banana","Orange","Apple","Mango"]; ...