When your table contains data that is best presented in alphabetical or numerical order, sort it. Note:These instructions are for Word and Excel. The sort option is not available in PowerPoint. Sort a table in Word Select anywhere in the table. ...
QueryTableExtension QueryTableExtensionList QueryTableField QueryTableFields QueryTableRefresh RangeProperties RangeSet RangeSets ReferenceModeValues 检讨 ReviewedList RevisionActionValues RevisionAutoFormat RevisionCellChange RevisionComment RevisionConflict RevisionCustomView RevisionDefinedName RevisionFormat RevisionInser...
Normally, you always sort the data table vertically from top to bottom, but, sometimes, you may want to sort the data based on the row values (sort from left to right). For example, in the below data range, I want to sort it based on the values in the Name row. In this case, ...
ITableData : IUnknown ITnef : IUnknown IXPLogon : IUnknown IXPProvider : IUnknown 函数、回调和宏 属性 结构 与结构相关的宏 数据类型 MAPI 常量 PowerPoint Project Publisher Visio Word Sway URI 方案 Office URI 方案 下载PDF 使用英语阅读
ITableData:IUnknown ITnef:IUnknown IXPLogon:IUnknown IXPProvider:IUnknown 函式、回呼和宏 屬性 結構 與結構相關的宏 資料類型 MAPI 常數 PowerPoint Project Publisher Visio Word Sway URI 配置 Office URI 配置 下載PDF 閱讀英文 儲存 新增至集合 ...
OfficeExcel2010Table OfficeExcel2013 OfficeExcel2013ConnectionManager OfficeExcel2013Destination OfficeExcel2013Source OfficeExcel2013Table OfficeInfoPath2010 OfficeInfoPath2013 OfficeOutlook2010 OfficeOutlook2013 OfficePowerPoint2010 OfficePowerPoint2013 OfficeProject2010 OfficeProject2013 OfficeSharePoint2010 OfficeSharePo...
RawMasterTableXml Read ReadFlag ReadFlagChange ReadItems (CalendarPermissionType) ReadItems (PermissionType) ReceiveCopiesOfMeetingMessages ReceivedBy ReceivedRepresenting ReceivedTime Recipient RecipientAddress RecipientFilter RecipientIs Recipients (ArrayOfRecipientsType) Recipients (ArrayOfSmtpAddressType) Recipien...
1. In the pivot table, right click a value cell in the row that you want to sort. 2.Then chooseSort>More Sort Optionsfrom the context menu, see screenshot: 3. In theSort By Valuedialog box, choose the sort options -Smallest to LargestorLargest to Smallestas you need, and then check...
Expand table Child Elements Subclause col (Column) §, col Expand table Attributes Description count (Count) Specifies the number of col elements. The value of this attribute shall match the number of col elements. The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ...
NOTE:This is applicable to apply custom sorting in pivot table. Download Complete Sample The following C#/VB complete code snippet shows how to sort pivot fields in Excel using XlsIO. C# using Syncfusion.XlsIO; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; ...