The following DFSORT JCL will give you the desired results. It does the match and also sorts on the file 2, 3, 4 also. Step0100 : Creates a VB delimiter file with delimiter $$$ in pos 5 (first 4 bytes of rdw). Step0200 : We now use above created file and concatenate files 2,3...
This suite of programs provides examples of how to create and manage a Partitioned Data Set (PDS) in a ZOS environment or a Micro Focus Enterprise environment.Review the Documentation for this suite of program members. Link to an Evaluation zPAK Option that includes the program members, ...
COBOL date functions list, add find Duration JCL JOB Card Parameters with Examples How to check whether a sequential file (PS) or VSAM file is empty or not?
But it fails when i put lrecl as 90 in the F1ONLY dd card. i had to put lrecl as 90 + 55 . in this way i have to add one more step to discard extra bytes from the final o/p file. can it be solved without using any further jcl step. Back to top Abid HasanNew User...
The following JCL member(SORTX5J1.jcl)is used to create a record sequential file with eighty (80) byte fixed length records. The next job step will then sort the file based on the character in position five (5). The Sort will create a new record sequential file with eighty (80) byte...
Do we need sorted data to sort with in group or component will taking care?Thanks Was this answer useful? Yes ReplyMahesh May 26th, 2021 One of the other examples could be : graph A has done PBKS on field A and when the output of graph A is being read by graph B it needs...