template<classRandomIt,classCompare >constexprvoidsort( RandomIt first, RandomIt last, Compare comp ); 以一定排序规则排序指定范围内的元素,但是算法不具有稳定性,如果元素的值是相同的话不保证它们的相对顺序保持不变。 参数说明 first , last -要排序的元素范围。 comp- 比较的函数,这里要满足compare的要求...
classMyClass{public:string name;int age;A(string name,int age):name(name),age(age){}};// 按照年龄升序排列boolcmp(MyClass&a,MyClass&b){returna.age<b.age;}// 使用vector<MyClass>vec;vec.push_back(MyClass("adam",12));vec.push_back(MyClass("Tom",1));vec.push_back(MyClass("Bob...
class compare { private: Enumcomp comp; public: compare(Enumcomp c):comp(c) {}; bool operator () (int num1,int num2) { switch(comp) { case ASC: return num1<num2; case DESC: return num1>num2; } } }; 接下来使用 sort(begin,end,compare(ASC)实现升序,sort(begin,end,compare(DESC...
ArrayList ClassTests = new ArrayList(); ClassTest a = new ClassTest(){intTest=1}; ClassTest b = new ClassTest(){intTest=2}; ClassTest c = new ClassTest(){intTest=3}; ClassTests.Add(a); ClassTests.Add(b); ClassTests.Add(c); ClassTests.Sort(); //使用无参的Sort,将调用类中的...
In order to prevent SQL injection attacks, CSort ensures that only valid model attributes can be sorted. This is determined based onmodelClassandattributes. Whenattributesis not set, all attributes belonging tomodelClasscan be sorted. Whenattributesis set, only those attributes declared in the prop...
1. a class, group, kind, etc, as distinguished by some common quality or characteristic 2. informal type of character, nature, etc: he's a good sort. 3. a more or less definable or adequate example: it's a sort of review. 4. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) (often plural)...
#include<iostream>#include<vector>#include<algorithm>using namespace std;classCompareGreater{public:booloperator()(constint*left,constint*right){return*left>=*right;}};intmain(int argc,char*argv[]){vector<int*>verPInt;for(int i=0;i<18;i++){// will coredumpint*pInt=newint;if(pInt==NU...
classmyclass { public: myclass(inta,intb):first(a), second(b){} intfirst; intsecond; booloperator < (constmyclass &m)const{ returnfirst < m.first; } }; boolless_second(constmyclass & m1,constmyclass & m2) { returnm1.second < m2.second; ...
refType2; /** * 按照价格排序的业务类(降序) * * @author Administrator * */ public class GoodsPriceCompare implements java.util.Comparator<Goods> { @Override public int compare(Goods o1, Goods o2) { return -(o1.getPrice()-o2.getPrice()>0?1:o1.getPrice()==o2.getPrice()?0:-1);...
a : a group set up on the basis of any characteristic in common : class, kind b : one approximating the character or qualities of another a sort of latter-day Abe Lincoln c : person, individual he's not a bad sort 2archaic ...