Sort by Number in Google SheetsLet’s use the example data from above to demonstrate sorting in Google Sheets. Select the range to sort (B2:B9) and in the Menu, go to Data > Sort range by column B, A → Z.As in Excel, this sorts Column B from the smallest value to the largest...
SORT函数按一个条件对整个数据集排序 SORT函数的语法如下: SORT(array,[sort_index],[sort_order],[by_col]) 其中,参数array必需,想要排序的单元格区域或数组;参数sort_index可选,用来指示排序依据的行或列的数字;参数sort_order可选,指示想要排序顺序的数,1代表升序(默认),-1代表降序;参数by_col可选,指示想...
In Excel, there are two ways to sort numbers. First, select the data and click the Sort option from the Data menu tab(Sort By Number in Excel). Choose the column whose value we want to sort, then choose Sort on Value from the drop-down. Now we can Sort the number by Largest to ...
Written by Mrinmoy Roy Last updated: Jul 5, 2024 Method 1 – Using the LEN Function and a Helper Column Steps: Create a Helper column left to the main data table. Enter the following formula in the top cell of the Helper column: =LEN(C5) The LEN function returns the number of ...
Excel returns the result in the below array. All the age values are sorted in ascending order. How Does the Formula Work? ROW(A1:A10) The ROW function returns the row number in the range A1:A10 which is: {1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10} SMALL(C5:C14,ROW(A1:A10)) The SMALL funct...
3. And then, click theSortbutton, now the original column has been sorted by the frequency as following screenshots shown: Tips: 1. After getting the result, you can delete the helper column as you need. 2. If there are text strings that appear the same number of times, the same text...
SORTBY has a variable number of arguments depending on the scenario: =SORTBY(array, By_array1, [sort_order1], [By_array2], [sort_order2] ,...) array:The range of cells, or array of values to be returned by the function.
Sort by several columns Now I'm going to show you how to sort Excel data by two or more columns. I will do this in Excel 2010 because I have this version installed on my computer. If you use another Excel version, you won't have any problems with following the examples because the ...
How to sort by days of the week in Excel To sort data by weekday, you will also need a helper column like in the previous examples. In this case, we will be populating the helper column with theWEEKDAYformula that returns a number corresponding to the day of the week, and then sort...
3. In theAdvanced Sortdialog box, click the column name that you want to sort by underColumnsection, and then chooseOdd and even numberfrom theSort Onsection, at last specify the sort order (A to Zstands for from even to odd numbers, andZ to Astands for from odd to even numbers), ...