设置完成后,点击“确定”按钮,Excel将自动对选中的数据进行排序。排序完成后,用户可以看到数据按照指定顺序排列。 四、多列排序 (Sorting by Multiple Columns) 在处理复杂数据时,单列排序可能无法满足需求。这时,多列排序功能显得尤为重要。以下是进行多列排序的步骤: 1. 选择数据区域 (Select the Data Range) 与...
It is a common and simple task to sort data in Excel, which can help reorder your data based on the type of sorting that you choose. Normally, with the built-in Sort feature, you can sort numbers, text strings, dates and times in one or more columns; You can also sort data by a ...
Watch Video – Sort Multiple Columns in Excel Method 1 – Using Sort & Filter Command to Sort Multiple Columns We want to add 2 criteria for sorting columns in our dataset. We’re going to sort the names of the countries of origin by the order of Z to A. After that, the device pric...
Written by Rifat Hassan Last updated: Jul 5, 2024 Sort Multiple Columns with Excel VBA (Quick View) ActiveSheet.Range("B4:D13").Sort Key1:=Range("D8"), Order1:=xlAscending Sort Multiple Columns with Excel VBA: 3 Suitable Ways We’ve got a data set with the names, salaries, and ...
SortByColumns(表,列名称,SortOrderTable) Table- 必需。 要排序的表。 ColumnName- 必需。 要排序的列名称(以字符串形式)。 SortOrderTable- 必需。 作为排序依据的单列表值。 备注 对于列名称带空格的 SharePoint 和 Excel 数据源,请将每个空格指定为"_x0020_"。 例如,将"Column Name"指定为"Column_x0020...
More realistically, you wouldn’t want to sort justonecolumn. You would be looking to sortmultiplecolumns of data by date. Suppose you have a dataset as shown below where you need to sort it based on the date in Column A. Below are the steps to sort multiple columns based on the date...
Excel SORTBY function not working Excel SORTBY function The SORTBY function in Excel is designed to sort one range or array based on the values in another range or array. Sorting can be done by one or multiple columns. SORTBY is one of six newdynamic array functionsavailable in Excel for...
It’s good to know feature and may end up saving you time in case you have to sort based on multiple columns.Below is a video where I show how to do a multi-level sorting in Excel:Sorting Based on a Custom ListWhile Excel already has some common sorting criteria (such as sorting ...
Of course, you can always use Excel’s built-in sort tool to sort by multiple columns: Dynamic Sorting with SORT Function in Google Sheets TheSORTBY Functionis not available in Google Sheets, but itsSORT Functioncan be used instead and is more powerful than the SORT Function in Excel. It...
SortByColumns(表,列名称,SortOrderTable) Table- 必需。 要排序的表。 ColumnName- 必需。 要排序的列名称(以字符串形式)。 SortOrderTable- 必需。 作为排序依据的单列表值。 备注 对于列名称带空格的 SharePoint 和 Excel 数据源,请将每个空格指定为"_x0020_"。 例如,将"Column Name"指定为"Column_x0020...