We and our third party partners use cookies and other technologies to improve your user experience, collect browsing information, for advertising, and other purposes when you use our websites and apps. We have updated our Privacy Policy, which has important information about your privacy rights ...
Working on a new form and now the form won't open and displays this. Show More microsoft forms Like 0 Reply Frank YanJan 11, 2018 Hi, Mathew, I'm from Microsoft Forms team. Your form has been repaired. You can verify now. We have found the root cause of this issue....
Upon testing our QA site, our users received this message "sorry, you don't have a license to use Project Web App.May I know what other steps that we have to do to help our users with the PWA access, we have been paying the lite license and I thought lite license for on prem ...
;; initial state of form when you enter it { "email-smtp-host": "localhost", "email-smtp-port": 1025, "email-smtp-security": "none", "email-smtp-username": "localusername", "email-smtp-password": "somepassword" } ;; when you update the form at all we send the following { "em...
Just can't log in ms teams in a couple of days. Been watching videos from youtube, but nothing works. Please help me, using Teams for my online class. Thanks PS: My Microsoft Store is not opening... https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/get-clients#windows...
{groupHubName} is ready to use","accountClosed.title":"Account Closed","accountClosed.message":"The account has been closed and you will now be redirected to the homepage","resetTokenExpired.title":"Reset Password Link has Expired","resetTokenExpired.message":"Try resetting you...
Are you all trying to play on an account that owns the game? From what I can see here it appears that you're trying to play the game via account sharing. If so, make sure that the account which has the game is logged in, and that there's at least 1 active Gold ac...
“Sorry, we are having some temporary server issues. You can work offline if you plan to insert pictures from your computer.” After a couple of hours in the office turning the air blue, I discovered 3 things: These problems are related, ...
Once you have created the file stream object, you can read or write to it using the stream insertion and extrac - tion operators just as you would cin or cout. To create an ifstream that reads from a file, you can use this syntax: ifstream myStream("myFile.txt"); This creates a ...
[file] => /var/www/YouPHPTube/objects/user.php [line] => 608 [function] => writeSql [class] => sqlDAL [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => INSERT INTO users (user, password, email, name, isAdmin, canStream, canUpload, canCreateMeet, canViewChart, status,photoURL,recove...