脸皮薄的人才会觉得不好意思,所以不用不好意思可以直接说 do not be shy. You can ask for leave if you feel sick , it is nothing to be ashamed of. 如果你不舒服,可以请假,这没什么不好意思的, 他对你有意思的英文是什么?...
oc rsh demo36-quay-database-77bf89c77f-q557j sh-4.4$ psql psql (10.17) Type"help"forhelp. postgres=# SHOW max_connections; max_connections --- 2000 (1 row) Managed Clair Postgresql Database POD: oc rsh demo36-clair-postgres-84b64f46b7-z77hc sh-4.4$ psql psql (10.17) Type"hel...
Note: File and line given may not be explicit cause of this error. (I did report it btw) Any ideas on what's the best way to figure out why my run time suddenly jumped up by 46%? By the way, I tried the same experiment on OpenVMS, and the difference in run times in release ...