我第一反应是说Sorry for the confusion 或者 Sorry I missed that,但转念一想锅并不在我,明明是对方沟通不到位,我为什么要抢着背锅?于是我找回当时经手的ticket附在邮件里,说明了是哪里的miscommunication导致了今天的意外,最后附上今天改好的方案,忍住了差点说出口的sorry… 这一年说sorry的习惯已经好了很多,但...
If someone steps on your foot and says “sorry” flatly, you might be annoyed. If you and a friend are going to the movies and he arrives a bit late then says “I’m so sorry,” you might be a little surprised and tell him there’s no need to apologize. Do Chinese people do th...
No, Instagram isnottesting chronological feed. This meme kicked up somewhere and we’ve been trying to set the record straight. This will come as a blow to many users who despise the fact that Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and most recently Snapchat have all strayed from their original orga...
They thought COVID was a scam, until they lay dying from it. sorryantivaxxer.com tells their story using their own facebook and twitter posts.
The I'm a Virgo trailer finally arrives, revealing the first look at Sorry to Bother You director Boots Riley's bizarre new Prime Video comedy show.
Technology was put here to make things easier and I love technology. I'm a real dj and if I want to use auto-sync or Itunes auto dj I'm going too. The crowd doesn't care what you use as long as the music doesn't stop and they hear great music. No disrespect to you Dj Boss...
I’ddo more, but I can’t remember what comes after thrice. https://twitter.com/meme_america/status/1032363668162265088 If you think I’m going to carp about a “double standard”, you’re quite wrong. We’re interested in the phenomenon itself and why it is happening. ...
Apologizing for a mistake at work: “对于上次的错误,我非常抱歉,给您带来了麻烦。” (I’m very sorry for the mistake last time; it caused inconvenience for you.) Apologizing for a missed deadline: “真诚道歉,我没有按时完成任务,对给您的工作计划产生了影响。” (I sincerely apologize for not...
Apologizing for a mistake at work: “对于上次的错误,我非常抱歉,给您带来了麻烦。” (I’m very sorry for the mistake last time; it caused inconvenience for you.) Apologizing for a missed deadline: “真诚道歉,我没有按时完成任务,对给您的工作计划产生了影响。” (I sincerely apologize for not...