1REAL: , ROOT: /var/www/crm/Sorry! Attempt to access restricted file. 问题原因: 后来经过几番确认发现缺少对应用户的权限文件,在系统跟目录user_privileges文件夹下的user_privileges_用户id.php 与 sharing_privileges_用户id.php 两个文件。可能是被误删了,导致获取用户权限信息失败所致。 解决方案: 管理员...
Attempt to access restricted file. 问题原因: 后来经过几番确认发现缺少对应用户的权限文件,在系统跟目录user_privileges文件夹下的user_privileges_用户id.php 与 sharing_privileges_用户id.php 两个文件。可能是被误删了,导致获取用户权限信息失败所致。 解决方案: 管理员用户登录系统,重新编辑、保存用户信息,这两...
If Windows finds system file integrity violations, it will attempt to fix them. After this, use the set of the following commands, pressing Enter each time:Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealthDism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealthDism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth Close...
[01:2200] Connecting back to parent using host WIN-MSDP9MK1V14 and endpoint 4947 9 [01:2200] Previous attempt failed, trying again with a resolved parent host 10.2 49.60.161:49479 [01:2200] Authentication completed. Successfully obtained Context for Client. [01:2200] ...