Currently, motorists who make a Statutory Off Road Notification ( SORN )have to renew their SORN every year. Last year, around 4 million SORNs were made, with over 1 million of those repeat renewals. Will I lose my no claims if I SORN my car? If your car is SORN,it won't be earn...
Using a SORN would mean one or more of those cars could be registered as off road if it's not being used currently, but will be in the future. When should I SORN my car? So if you know that you have no plans of using your car, say from today onwards, you can declare your car...
SORNStatutory Off Road Notification(UK government Driver and Vehicle Licencing Centre, DVLC) SORNSystem of Records Notice SORNStatutory Off Road Notice(UK) SORNScottish Outdoor Recreation Network(UK) SORNStandard Organization & Regulations of the Navy(USA) ...