However, if you're currently not using the vehicle, or plan to take it off the road in the future, it would be worth saving money by getting a SORN. This will legally cover you for not having tax on your vehicle during the time you have requested the SORN. What is SORN? The statut...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook sorn Acronyms Wikipedia sorn (sɔːn) vb (intr,often foll byonorupon)Scotto obtain food, lodging, etc, from another person by presuming on his generosity [C16: from earliersorrena feudal obligation requiring vassals to offer free hospitality to their lord ...
A Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN) declaration is to tell DVSA that the vehicle is not being used on the road for 12 months. It means you don’t have to pay road tax for that year, and you must not drive the vehicle on the road. You must send a further SORN ...
SORNStatutory Off Road Notification(UK government Driver and Vehicle Licencing Centre, DVLC) SORNSystem of Records Notice SORNStatutory Off Road Notice(UK) SORNScottish Outdoor Recreation Network(UK) SORNStandard Organization & Regulations of the Navy(USA) ...