LivaNova is a global medical device company creating neuromodulation devices and cardiopulmonary products to improve the lives of patients worldwide.
Sorin集团行为准则-LivaNova.PDF,Sorin 集团行为准则 期望和承诺 道德行为的基础 卓越的品质和道德 Sorin 集团的设备制造用来挽救生命。我们为了最高的性能和质量 而努力奋斗,同时在我们的业务行为中维持了严格的道德标准。 我们的使命和价值观 •我们向我们的客户、股东
W.L.L. Kuwait P.O.Box 867 Safat 13009 Contact person: George Mathew Tel: +965 24610480 Immunodiagnostics KEIS GROUP Kosovo Velania 2/6 Prishtina Contact person: Shkelqim Kabashi Tel: +381 38 54 22 27 Fax: +381 38 51 88 13 ...
We aimed to study the early and long-term performance of the Microport (formerly Sorin/Livanova) Beflex and Vega leads at our centre, for which a lead survival >99% at 3 years has been reported by the company. METHOD. In this single centre, retrospective study we analysed the performance...
Sorin and Cyberonics have picked LivaNova as the name of their combined company, effective at the close of their proposed merger. Deal snapshot: MEDICAL DEVICE MAKERS SORIN, CYBERONICS APPOINT REMAINING POST-MERGER DIRECTORS M2 EQUITYBITES-October 13, 2015-Medical Device Makers Sorin, Cyberonics ...
livanova is a global medical technology company built on nearly five decades ofさらに表示する Similarwebの推計データを表示しています。 GA4に接続することで、サイトの指標を公開検証することができます。 Google アナリティクスを連携させる ...
简体中文 English 企业版新 登录注册 市场信息 销售 药品市场全终端分析系统 穿云众客 零售药品消费行为洞察系统(企) 药品零售数据(企) 医院销售数据(企) 医院销售数据挖掘系统(企) 药品电商销售数据(企) 药品品类市场洞察系统(企) 全球畅销药品销售数据 ...
近日,LivaNova决定将其心脏节律管理业务(CRM)出售。该业务主要包括起搏器、除颤器、心脏再同步装置。其2016年销售额约为2.5亿美元,同比下降4.4%。 LivaNova,2015年由索林(Sorin)和Cyberonics合并而成,在全球心脏外科和神经调控领域处于领先地位。CRM是其三大主要业务之一,占其总销售额的20.5%,其它两大主要业务为:心...
Successful Reoperation in 3 Cases of Failed Sorin Freedom Stentless Aortic Valve Using the LivaNova Perceval Sutureless Prosthesisaortic valve replacementstentless valvesutureless valveReoperations for deteriorated stentless bioprostheses are quite challenging procedures. Calcification of the aortic annulus and ...