evolution8338810over a year ago You may have a form of a peritonsillar abscess. I had the same thing a few weeks back, minus the pus. It's a form of tonsillitis and could also be related to strep throat. Shouldn't have anything to worry about. Reply...
I have a sore throat→ me duele la gargantato be sore at heart (liter) he was sore at heart→ le dolía el corazón 2. (= angry, upset)to be sore about sth→ estar resentido por algowhat are you so sore about?→ ¿por qué estás tan resentido?to be sore at sb→ estar ...
sore(n.) Middle Englishsore, from Old Englishsar"bodily pain or injury, wound; sickness, disease; state of pain or suffering," from root ofsore(adj.). Now restricted to ulcers, boils, blisters, places where the skin is painfully raw (a sense in late Old English). In Old and Middle ...
A strep infection also has the potential to spread within the body, causing pockets of pus (abscesses) in the tonsils and in the soft tissue around the throat.SymptomsThe main symptom of pharyngitis is a sore throat and pain with swallowing. In infectious pharyngitis, other symptoms vary ...
Signs of sore throat include the following: Pus on the surface of the tonsils (can happen with bacteria or viruses) Redness of the oropharynx (the pharynx viewed through the mouth) Tender andswollen lymph nodesin the neck ("glands")
If you have a sore throat, it could be a symptom of strep throat, colds, and tonsillitis. The sore throat happens because of swelling in the back of the throat. Strep throat can make your throat and tonsils red, sore, swollen, and filled with white patches or pus, making your throat...
Acollection of pus in the neck(peritonsillar, parapharyngeal or retropharyngeal abscess), which can appear as a painful lump on one side of the throat with difficulty swallowing and opening the mouth (trismus) and stiff neck[12,19,39,40,42] ...
It is better to treat a sore throat if it is accompanied by these symptoms so that bacteria do not spread to other parts of the baby’s body. ADVERTISEMENT Mouth sores Throat infection along with lots of swelling, red inflammation, flecked with pus Inability to swallow or open the mouth ...
Doctors use standard criteria to determine whether a sore throat is caused by strep, Earvolino explains. Pus on the tonsils, tender lymph nodes, fever and absence of cough point to possible strep infection. However, she says, if a patient only meets two of these criteria, the likelihood of...
The National Health Care Survey in 2001 to 2002 reported more than 21 million outpatient and emergency room visits with complaints relating to the throat, and acute pharyngitis was diagnosed in nearly 12 million patients.1 Although the underlying cause is often benign and the course is typically ...