headache, skin rash,sore throat,stomach pain, difficulty breathing, unconsciousness, abdominal pain, or seizure. cbwchc.org cbwchc.org 如果你的孩子出現持續性嘔吐或腹瀉、耳痛、癲癇、頭痛、皮膚出疹、喉嚨疼痛、胃痛、呼吸困難、喪失知覺 或腹痛,就應該直接去看急診。
A sore throat is a common ailment that may have viral, bacterial, or other causes. Reviewed by a board-certified infectious disease healthcare provider.
What Is the Medical Treatment for a Sore Throat? Care of a sore throat involves treatment of pain, dehydration, or difficulty breathing (airway problems are common with croup or epiglottitis). Antibiotics Antibiotics are not helpful when a virus is the cause of a sore throat. Sometimes it is...
Call your doctor promptly if you have a sore throat along with any of the following symptoms:painful swallowing that prevents you from drinking water or other clear fluids difficulty breathing through your mouth noisy breathing or excessive drooling fever above 101° Fahrenheit.Also, call your ...
If you experience the following symptoms with your sore throat, go to the hospital or an urgent care clinic. These could suggest your sore throat has a more serious cause: Coughing up blood. Difficulty breathing. A high fever (103 degrees or above) or a fever that lasts more than three ...
Any sore throat that has a rapid onset and is associated with a fever or tenderness of the front of the neck may be serious and should be seen by a doctor. Any sore throat that causesdifficulty swallowing(not just pain with swallowing) or breathing should be seen by a doctor. ...
persistent sore throat or for adults, if a sore throat lasts for longer than two days, is very painful, or you can see white patches or pus on the back of the throat. Other reasons to see your doctor include a fine sandpaper-like pink rash on your skin or difficulty breathing or ...
Any sore throat that causes difficulty swallowing (not just pain with swallowing) or breathing should be seen by a doctor. Any sore throat that lasts for more than a week should be evaluated by a healthcare professional. If you are pregnant and your sore throat symptoms are severe or do no...
While a sore throat is the most common childhood complaint, it can become very frustrating for babies, toddlers and their parents. It can be accompanied by crying, crankiness, tiredness, an inability to eat or talk properly, and even breathing problems. A sore throat is a visitor that is...
Pharynx—The throat, a tubular structure that lies between the mouth and the esophagus. See alsoCommon cold; . Resources PERIODICALS "Coughs, Colds, and Sore Throat."Practice Nursev.26, i.2 (July 25, 2003): 38. Dinelli, D.L. "Sore Throat and Difficulty Breathing."American Family Physicia...