include trouble breathing due to a swollenthroat,streptococcalsore throatatthe same time, and, rarely, jaundice, skin [...] 其他EBV感染并发症包括因喉痛肿大引发呼吸困难,同时发生链球菌感染,以及偶尔出现黄疸、皮疹、胰腺炎、癫痫和/或脑炎。
Some cancers.Tumors in your throat or tongue can cause a sore throat. Keep an eye out for hoarseness, trouble swallowing, loud breathing, a lump on your neck, and blood in your spit or phlegm. Sore Throat Diagnosis Your doctor will probably start by looking at your throat with a tiny f...
She stayed home from school because she had a sore throat and a fever. 她待在家里,没有去上课,因为她喉咙痛,还发着烧。 ● sore 作形容词还可表示“痛心的”、“伤心的”、“悲哀的”;作名词“表示使人伤心的事”。 例句: I packed up my luggage and got out of the place, feeling pretty ...
Trouble swallowing. White spots at the back of your mouth or red spots on the roof of the mouth could suggest a strep infection. How to Treat a Throat Tickle or Sore Throat Dryness increases irritation in the throat, causing a throat tickle, itchy throat, and pain. That’s why manysore...
Reach out to a healthcare provider if you have a sore throat that lasts longer than a few days or does not go away after removing the allergen. Get medical attention right away if you have trouble breathing.13 Talk to a healthcare provider if you have:13 ...
worsens when you swallow. Usually, there is no running nose or cough. Your throat becomes crimson red and the tonsils become greatly enhanced with grey-white spots. It can be hard to distinguish between whether the tonsillitis is caused by virus or bacteria and should be treated with ...
嗓子痛have a sore throat 2.感冒have a cold 3.胃痛have a stomachache 4.说得太多talk too much 5.喝充足的水drink enough water 6.躺下来休息lie down and rest 7.量体温take one’s temperature 8.喝些带有蜂蜜的热水drink some hot water with honey 9.割伤自己cut oneself...
While a sore throat is the most common childhood complaint, it can become very frustrating for babies, toddlers and their parents. It can be accompanied by crying, crankiness, tiredness, an inability to eat or talk properly, and even breathing problems. A sore throat is a visitor that is...
Keep in mind cancers of the head and neck can also cause symptoms such as a sore throat and tongue, but symptoms often persist beyond a few weeks in spite of treatment. They may also be accompanied by a hoarseness, coughing, trouble breathing, ear pain or unexpected weight loss. ...
Allergic reactions may causeangioedema* or trigger post-nasal drip which can irritate the throat. Sneezing,nasal congestionor a runny nose, red eyes,itchy throat. Severe cases may cause swelling of the airways leading totrouble breathing.