Soon I was perspiring freely. My hands were sore and I began to tire. 没多久,我就大汗淋漓, 两手酸痛,开始感到疲倦了。 My legs are sore from all that running yesterday. 我的腿因为昨天跑步而酸痛。 She stayed home...
constipation, dry skin,sore throat,heart and blood pressure problems and emotional imbalance. 因此,秋季可引发呼吸系统疾病、便秘、皮肤干燥、咽喉痛、心脏和血压问题以及情绪不稳。
She stayed home from school because she had a sore throat and a fever. 她待在家里,没有去上课,因为她喉咙痛,还发着烧。 ● sore 作形容词还可表示“痛心的”、“伤心的”、“悲哀的”;作名词“表示使人伤心的事”。 例句: I packed up my luggage and got out of the place, feeling pretty ...
例句:My legs aresore from all that running yesterday. 我的腿因为昨天跑步而感到酸。例句:She stayed home from school because she had asore throat and a fever. 她待在家里,没有去上课,因为她喉咙痛,还发着烧。sore 作为形容词,还能表达“痛心的”、“伤心的”、“悲哀的”,同时指...
in the lower throat or larynx or voice box). The side of the pain does not tell much about the underlying condition. In coronary heart disease, pain often radiates to theleft sideof the throat. There are no known conditions that would cause pain specifically on theright sideof the throat...
Rheumatic fever (a condition that can cause damage to the heart, nerves, skin, and joints) and post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (a form of kidney inflammation) are rare complications of untreated strep throat.When to Seek Medical Care for a Sore Throat When to call the doctor When these ...
嗓子痛have a sore throat 2.感冒have a cold 3.胃痛have a stomachache 4.说得太多talk too much 5.喝充足的水drink enough water 6.躺下来休息lie down and rest 7.量体温take one’s temperature 8.喝些带有蜂蜜的热水drink some hot water with honey 9.割伤自己cut oneself...
Rarely, sexually transmitted diseases(STDs), for example,gonorrheaand chlamydia, can cause a sore throat. Toxins/Irritants:Many substances can cause sore throats, for example: Cigarettesmoke Air pollution Noxious airborne chemicals Medical conditions:Health problems, can cause sore throats, for example...
Sore throat, running nose, and dizzy(眩晕的)head. Oh, you've got the flu!Late autumn and early winter is flu season. The flu is annoying. It takes weeks to get over. It prevents us from concentrating in class and having fun on the playground. So can we do anything to prevent it?
Tom yesterday was a bit cold, headache, sore throat, so he did not have to go to school. He saw a doctor, the doctor said that he had no trouble taking some medicine, illnesses, and as long as more than a little water, lying on a rest, and two days will be better. ...