What could be the sore on the shaft of my penis as I am negative for STD and genital warts? Is it fine to use a moisturizer after applying Tretinoin on face? My penis is hard even while flaccid. Is this stress related? Is sore penis from excessive mastur...
Having this fear of pain associated with sex is not cool and it's definitely had an effect on my libido and on my relationships. Reply Guest over a year ago The exact same thing happens to me too. And also after my penis isnt erect anymore it still does feel firm. I havnt talked...
i also have problem like but the problem is that i think my penis can't develop. Reply Guestover a year ago hi. it could be HOW u jerk off. Sometimes I jerk off and apply way to much pressure along the bottom part of the shaft where the sperm and piss flow (forgot the scientific...
Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com I understand your concern.Yes an open cut does increase chances of getting STDs, or infections down there. However the good thing is you never had unprotected intercourse or unprotected oral sex, so chances of getting any STD is highly unlikely. ...
Since you are having tender nodes a complete course of antibiotic is the best way to go. This ...
Hey Z, Yes u can make it sore if u go at it vigorously. Use a coupla drops of olive oil and that will make ur hand more slippery. Try to find ways that dont rub the same spots, like maybe grab a hold lower on the shaft, specially if you are cut. If u do it less, it is...
Middle of Penis shaft much thinner sometimes sore,painful blisters on vagina.could this be herpes??? similar symptoms to herpes tested negative?? is it a bacterial infection or QUESTIONS THAT NEED TO BE ANSWERED..HERPES OR TOO MUCH SEX? Pain after masturbating during erection UGH! Sore va...