Well, all groin lumps should be examined by your doctor. These are the common causes I found: hernia (usually a soft, large bulge in the groin on one or both sides), enlarged lymph glands in the groin area, alocal infection, generalized drug reaction, allergic reaction, aviral infection,...
elbow(肘);armpit(腋下,腋窝);arm(手臂)(upper arm 上臂;lower arm/forearm 前臂 );wrist...
So it goes without saying: if you find any of the common known symptoms, including a lump in your breast or armpit, changes in the shape or size of your breasts, dimpling of the skin etc., you must speak to your GP immediately. It could well be nothing, but if it is, early diagno...
elbow(肘);armpit(腋下,腋窝);arm(手臂)(upper arm 上臂;lower arm/forearm 前臂 );wrist(手腕,腕关节); hand(手);palm(手掌);thumb(大拇指);fingers(手指)(index finger 食指;middle finger 中指;ring finger 无名指;pinky finger=little finger 小指);stomach(胃);abdomen(腹部);belly button(肚脐);liver...
Breast cancer.Sxmay include painless breast lump, usually fixed and increasing in size. May be visible on the surface as a lump or bump. Deviated nipple and/or areola. Swollen lymph nodes of the surrounding area – around the clavicle, axilla (armpit) or even of the upper arm.Ddx= benign...
throat, while the alcohol helps you sleep. I personally leave the alcohol out of mine as my mother did when she made her version for me growing up. Whether or not you use it is up to you, but keep in mind that steering clear of alcohol when you’re under the weather is usually ...