包括一个查询、一个总记录数分页、两个统计(就是业绩、提成等的统计),看看高级查询代码: image ...
思路:通过find的search语句执行得到一个模糊检索的结果集,然后将结果集中的id取出放入集合内,再在主soql文中加入‘id in (模糊搜索记录的id集合)’的where条件从而达到模糊查询的目的。 if(note !=null&& note !='') { String findQuery='FIND \''+ note +'*\' IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Test__c'; Lis...
WHERE Name LIKE 'Acme%' LIMIT 10 This will return the Name and BillingCountry of 10 Accounts where the Name starts with ‘Acme’. Different Parts of a SOQL Query SOQL has several parts, some of them are: SELECT Specifies the list of fields to retrieve from the object. We can select st...
Takes our aggregate query and also returns the subtotals for each category. Includes a subtotal row for each combination of fields (calculated left to right in the provided fields). Field ordering is important! Has a final grand total row. ...
You can evaluate Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) or Salesforce Object Search Language (SOSL) statements on-the-fly in Apex by surrounding the statement in square brackets.
if a queue or price book scope was used. sobjecttype string the object with which the list view is associated. wherecondition soqlwherecondition filter conditions on the list view. filter conditions provide an additional level of control over which records get shown in the list view. d...
WHERE The WHERE clause sets the conditions that a record must match to be selected and returned. Use the WHERE clause the same way you use filters to limit the data shown in a list view or report. For example, if we're looking for a contact whose first name is Stella, we can add ...
WHERE 절은 선택 사항입니다. 하지만 여러분을 비롯한 뛰어난 개발자라면 작성하는 거의 모든 쿼리에 WHERE 절을 포함하고 싶을 것입니다. 필요 이상의 데이터를 반환하는 것은 의...
select count(Id) accountCount from Account where DAY_IN_MONTH(CreatedDate) < 20 group by CALENDAR_YEAR(CreatedDate) -->查询创建的天⼩于每个⽉20⽇的 Account,通过年进⾏分组 DAY_IN_WEEK(field name):返回参数⽇期中周对应的⽇,1代表周⽇,2代表周⼀,以此类推,7代表周六。DAY_IN_...