So we will use “Name” for the field label “Account Name” Modify Request Object Step 15. Now based on information we have in Step-13 & Step-14, we change the query a little bit (from Customer__C to Customer__r.Name). Customer__c represents the custom look column in...
,这样我们在下面的 Query Editor中输入相关的SOQL以后,便可以使用 Query Plan Tool来了解官方对当前的SOQL的建议了。...这里有4个值: Index:当前查询的对象使用索引进行查询; Sharing:当前的查询将会使用索引进行查询。当前的索引基于当前执行SQL的人的共享规则来决
Syntax error at 206:8: extraneous input 'return' expecting {'abstract', 'after', 'before', 'class', 'enum', 'final', 'get', 'global', 'inherited', 'instanceof', 'interface', 'override', 'private', 'protected', 'public', 'set', 'sharing', 'static', 'switch', 'testmethod', ...
publicwithsharingclassGetAllCustomFieldsUtil{publicStringgetAllCustomFields(String objName){String customQuery='';String delimiter=', ';Schema.SObjectType objType=Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(objName);Map<String,sObjectField>fieldsMap=objType.getDescribe().fields.getMap();for(String fieldName:fiel...
A SOSL query begins with the required FIND clause. You can then add optional clauses to filter the query by object type, fields, data categories, and more. You can also determine what’s returned. For example, you can specify the order of the resul
Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL)/SOQL SELECT Functions/FORMAT () FORMAT () UseFORMATwith theSELECTclause to apply localized formatting to standard and custom number, date, time, and currency fields. When theFORMATfunction is applied these fields reflect the appropriate format f...
Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL)/SOQL SELECT Functions/FORMAT () FORMAT () UseFORMATwith theSELECTclause to apply localized formatting to standard and custom number, date, time, and currency fields. When theFORMATfunction is applied these fields reflect the appropriate format for th...
,这样我们在下面的 Query Editor中输入相关的SOQL以后,便可以使用 Query Plan Tool来了解官方对当前的SOQL的建议了。...这里有4个值: Index:当前查询的对象使用索引进行查询; Sharing:当前的查询将会使用索引进行查询。当前的索引基于当前执行SQL的人的共享规则来决
{searchquery} format() in searchgroup limit n offset n order by clause returning fieldspec tolabel(fields) update an article’s keyword tracking with sosl update an article’s viewstat with sosl using listview= where conditionexpression with data category datacategoryspec with divisionfilter ...
{searchquery} format() in searchgroup limit n offset n order by clause returning fieldspec tolabel(fields) update an article’s keyword tracking with sosl update an article’s viewstat with sosl using listview= where conditionexpression with data category datacategoryspec with divisionfilter...