The Continental has proven to be a divisive show in a lot of ways, one that arguably did a poor job of capturing the true spirit of the John Wick universe as established by the movies. Whether the show would have done better as a ten-episode season than as three movies is something th...
Since "The Sopranos" ended its six-season run in June 2007, Gandolfini appeared in a number of big-screen roles, including "Zero Dark Thirty," a film about the hunt for Osama bin Laden, and the crime drama "Killing Them Softly." At the time of his death, he had been working on an...
“It’s my nature.” That’s the punchline of the the fable “The Scorpion and the Frog,” a fable repeated in numerous pop culture works, includingThe Sopranos, which referenced it in season two. About 10 minutes into “Made in America,” the final episode of the final season of Davi...