外部播放此歌曲> Deep Sleep Relaxation Universe - Soporific Effect 专辑:Drifting Off: Deep Sleep Aid, Insomnia Cure, Peaceful Night 歌手:Deep Sleep Relaxation Universe 还没有歌词哦
正确使用'soporific'需结合具体场景,区分其字面与比喻意义。在正式文本中,作名词时需注意单复数变化(如a soporific/soporifics),而形容词用法则需搭配被修饰对象(如soporific effect)。避免混淆其医学属性与修辞功能,可提升语言表达的准确性。
Soporific 的意思是“导致睡眠”。Examples Studies show that the herb has a soporific effect.研究表明,这种草药具有催眠的作用。"Relying on repetition and rhyme, the text generates a gentle, soporific cadence as the little lions progress homeward…. The painterly, realistic illustrations create the feel...
“have a soporific effect”:这是一个很常见的搭配,表示“有催眠效果”。例如:“The soft music has a soporific effect on the baby.”(轻柔的音乐对婴儿有催眠效果。)这种搭配简洁明了地表达了某种事物能让人产生困倦、入睡的作用。 “produce a soporific result”:意思是“产生催眠的结果”。例如:“The co...
sop·o·rif·ic/ˌsɒpəˈrɪfɪk◂$ˌsɑː-/adjectiveadjformal SLEEPmaking you feel ready to sleep使人昏昏欲睡的,催眠的 His voice had an almost soporific effect. 他的嗓音几乎有催眠作用。 Examples from the Corpus soporific•In summer, that gushing sound would be refreshingl...
soporific的例句1. His voice had an almost soporific effect. 他的声音具有催眠作用。 youdao 2. I often have to take soporific before I go to bed. 我常在睡前不得不服安眠药。 youdao 3. The election campaign was soporific but the results are startling. 竞选活动令人昏昏欲睡,但结果却令人吃惊。
20. In contrast to the blaze of sunlight outside, the inner light had a soporific effect, especially on the twins. 与户外灿烂的阳光相比,室内的光线有种催眠效果,这对双胞胎尤其明显。 soporific 词典解释 1.催眠的;使人想睡觉的 Something that is soporific makes you feel sleepy. ...
They certainly had a very soporific effect upon the flopsy bunnies ! 它们确实对佛洛普西家的小兔们有很强的催眠效果。 This drug is benignly soporific . 这种药物具有良好的催眠效果。 Plenty of evidence suggests that choice can act as an energiser , not a soporific . 很多证据都表明选择往往是激发...
词汇soporific 释义 adjective the soporific effect of the sun太阳让人昏昏欲睡的作用 时代网英语在线翻译词典收录了323754条英语词汇在线翻译词条,基本涵盖了全部常用英语词汇的中英文双语翻译及用法,是英语学习的有利工具。
(他那无聊的讲座很催眠。)或者“The soporific effect of the warm milk helped the baby fall asleep.”(温牛奶的催眠作用帮助婴儿入睡了。)它的含义和最初相比没有太大的变化,依然是和让人入睡、有催眠效果这些概念紧密相连,就像我们生活中的小助手,当我们想要描述那些让人昏昏欲睡的事物时,它就会跳出来帮忙。