Sophos XG Firewall 能與 Sophos 旗下的各項防毒軟體一同進行「連動」,Sophos XG Firewall 會隨時整合 Sophos Intercept 等相關軟體收集之資訊,更新其安全策略。此外,Sophos XG Firewall 內建完整的整合性報表,讓使用者能了解其全面性的資安部署與風險漏洞,以採取下一步的防護措施。
Sophos XG Firewall takes an innovative approach across all areas of network security. From the way firewalls are managed, to the way they report information and how they work with other security systems around them, giving you an unprecedented level of simplicity, insight, and advanced threat pro...
Sophos XG防火墙是一款帮助客户保护其网络内所有设备和信息的软件。它允许各机构提供安全,防止任何威胁。客户可以依靠Sophos XG防火墙来保护资产免遭盗窃或攻击。Sophos XG Firewall是企业安全的全面解决方案。 起步定价: 免费试用: 公司名称:Sophos 创建时间:1985 ...
Nadat u de configuratie op de Sophos XG Firewall hebt voltooid, kunt u doorgaan met de stap,Configure Private App. Privé-app configureren Meld u aan bij hetAdmin Portalom de Private App-toegang te configureren. Naar navigerenResources > Private Resources ...
作者xxxx 日期xxxx Sophos XG Firewall配置操作手册 v1.1 精品文档 Sophos XG Firewall 配置操作手册 Written by Zhang Xin Time Dec 23 2016 目录 一注册3
XG Series XG Series appliances deliver FastPath offloading with firewall acceleration on 18.0, 18.5, and 19.0 and later versions. Additionally, they offload trusted traffic to the host x86 CPU. Virtual and software deployments Virtual and software deployments of Sophos Firewall use the same x86 CPU...
評估期為 30 天。有關如何啟動評估的詳細資料,請參閱評估訂閱套件組合。 如果您的評估在過去 90 天內過期,則無法重新啟動它。您將不會在防火牆詳細資料中看到啟動評估。 下載空隙授權 您可以從 Sophos Central 下載空隙授權並將其套用至您的 Sophos Firewall。請參閱下載氣隙隔離授權。
Learn how to install the connector [Deprecated] Sophos XG Firewall to connect your data source to Microsoft Sentinel.
XG Firewall 是全球最好的网络安全系统,实时集成 Intercept X。 100% 应用程序可见性 识别网络上的所有未知应用程序。 监测运行状况和威胁 立刻识别存在隐患的主机。 自动威胁隔离 立刻阻止安全泄漏和隔离被感染的端点,阻止横向移动。 利用Synchronized Security 进化 ...
You can configure remote access SSL VPN connections in split tunnel mode. Only traffic to the permitted network resources flows through the firewall.Users can establish the connection using the Sophos Connect client.OverviewThe Sophos Connect client allows you...