Discover the classic diamond collection and Sophie Bille Brahe's modern yet elegant take on the classic heart motif, which would make the perfect gifts for Valentine's Day. shop now Precious Classics Discover pearl and diamond styles that will make perfect gifts and are sure to delight for year...
Presented as an extension of Sophie Bille Brahe's jewellery collections, the vases feature iridescent glass, encapsulating Bille Brahe's strong tie to the shine of a natural pearl. Cellophane Rose Presented as an extension of Sophie Bille Brahe's jewellery collections, the vases feature irid...
Discover Sophie Bille Brahe's collection of jewellery boxes, perfect for storing and protecting your most precious pieces. The jewellery box collections consist of colourful options in plush velvet with satin lining in various sizes. The smaller Velvet B
在淘宝,您不仅能发现香港直邮Sophie Bille Brahe 圆形耳钉 MargheritaEarringsWhite的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于香港直邮Sophie Bille Brahe 圆形耳钉 MargheritaEarringsWhite的信息,请来淘
Sophie Bille Brahe设计的首饰主要以晶莹剔透的珍珠为元素,款式简单却又独特,每一件都透露着淡雅的高贵、独一无二,让人看了一眼就忘不了。 这款“Petite Peggy” 手链是设计师以珍贵的传家之物为灵感,采用 14K 黄金铸造,以大小不一的亮泽珍珠串起。它有一整个系列,包含项链、耳钉、戒指等配饰,都是不同大小的...
Shop online among the selection of Sophie Bille Brahe Products & Accessories for Women available on SSENSE and get Free Shipping & returns in North America. Find the right Sophie Bille Brahe item and order it thanks to our International Shipping.
丹麦珠宝设计师Sophie Bille Brahe,11月在纽约麦迪逊大道开设了一家精品店。并邀请了在纽约的品牌好友们,一起感受现代北欧风格的魅力!
2018年,丹麦殿堂级银器品牌Georg Jensen找来 Sophie Bille Brahe 合作,为品牌推出了珠宝新系列,Halo。这个级别的邀约,无疑是对这位青年设计师的莫大认可。 Sophie 与 Chitose Abe (Sacai)、Bernhard Willhelm、Stine Goya 等设计师合作过秀场配饰;收获了 Dover Street Market、Net-A-Porter 这样优质平台的认可;还有Mad...
sophie bille brahe 超级大平替价格1/22,sophie bille brahe蝴蝶结🎀耳环1700欧,O网页链接,Fedoma淡水珍珠+纯银镀18K金价格只要81美金,任选3️⃣件放入购车可以65折,全球免邮,O网页链接 🎀蝴蝶结项链Lady Bow Necklace O网页链接 🎀蝴蝶结耳环Lady Bow Earrings O网页链接 ❣️全粗珍珠项链 Club Celine...
SOPHIE 折扣 单只 女14K金珍珠耳环 BRAHE BILLE •所在地:江苏 苏州 •店铺掌柜:VMOOFUN旗舰店 •商品标签:BRAHE BILLE SOPHIE 折扣 单只 查看图文详情 大家正在抢 百搭小巧韩版 天然淡水珍珠S925银耳钉网红气质女耳环经典 简约耳饰 ¥9.9 天然淡水珍珠耳钉S925纯银防过敏气质高级耳环精致百搭抗过敏耳饰 ¥...