Sort results:alphabetical| rank? Rank Abbr.Meaning ASOPAlliance for Safe Online Pharmacies ASOPAmerican Society of Orthopedic Professionals ASOPAmerican Singers Opera Project (Winston Salem, NC) ASOPActuarial Standards of Practice ASOPAt Sea Observer Program (Canadian Government Department of Fisheries an...
使茶饮在医疗保健中的作用得以大大地增强 But is explores the tea to drink boldly to the human health true meaning, creatively and so on many kinds of natural raw materials unifies organically the tea and the Chinese native medicine, causes the tea to drink in the medical health care the ...
aThe term “arbitrary” here means something inexplicable in terms of some more general principles. It is impossible to predict the meaning from the form, or vice versa 末端“任意”这里意味事莫名根据有些一般原则。 预言反之亦然意思从形式或者是不可能的 [translate] aWhen can my order# 100016365 ...
Sopite is derived from the Latin word "sopire," meaning "to lay to rest, to put to sleep." The sopite syndrome is classified as a symptom-complex centered on drowsiness. It may be distinguished from ordinary fatigue. 展开 关键词:
tinted pnpor. Price 81,50, postage free. terrified' gather to listen to what t he 'spirit hat h in his day faced tlie frowning multitude, beard N, J., and at the house of Wm. Jones, an old latellie practice of medicine, for the private use of to say' through my lijis. ...
Soon my mind d1d grasp the meaning, And wondrous thoughte it did bring, For the shade that dimmed the cryst.11 Was that of an angers wing. CuoLufZ Co~ : 184 THE MEDIUM AND DAYBREAK. MARCH 20, 1885. IVBSCB.IPTION PRICE OF THE llEDIUK THE ENEMY OF Tnurn is always known by ...
been seen on endpoints regarding the sense of meaning and dignity of the person. In a case series of terminally ill inpatients and patients receiving home-based palliative care, pre- and post-intervention measures showed that 76% of participants reported a heightened sense of d...
Make it your motto for the day; think of it; think around it; think through it; hold on to it until you have a vision of its real meaning. Do this as you go from task to task. Claim it for yourself. Stop for a moment, relax yourself and let your mind grasp your need, and ...
I have not been able to discover if the seer on this occasion were, as seems very probable, Jean Fernel, Court physician to Henry II., who has recorded S that he saw figures in a mirror which expressed their meaning in gesture so significant that even his assistants understood them.' ...
healing potency; sunlight and air as tho next; gieal cases and bottles of medicine and drugs; Bxcokd Pace.-Spiritual Phenomena: Materialisation in Rhode Island; Fp^itgn Correspondence; Our Austra lian Letter. {Ipo^wbrdu from Our Subscribers. Letter from Thomas Gms Forster. Short Letter ...