56、usekeep ing Office is resp on sible for the adm ini strati on of all Lost and Found客房部办公室负责管理所有失物招领事宜-Anything in a C/O room should be treated as L&F item Call Housekeeping Office immediately whe n any item is found.The guest may call to inquire at all times.任...
Any Lost and Found item is toturned into the Housekeepingoffice immediately. 任何失物必须及时交到客房部办公室 -Housekeeping Office isresponsible for the administration of all Lost and Found 客房部办公室负责管理所有失物招领事宜 -Anything in a C/O room should be treated as L&F itemCallHousekeeping ...
PROCEDURES 流程 Any Lost and Found item is to turned into the Housekeeping office immediately. 任何失物必须及时交到客房部办公室 -Housekeeping Office is responsible for the administration of all Lost and Found 客房部办公室负责管理所有失物招领事宜 -Anything in a C/O room should be treated as L&F...
56、必须及时交道客房部办公室-Housekeeping Office is responsible for the administration of all Lost and Found 客房部办公室负责管理所有失物招领事宜-Anything in a C/O room should be treated as L&F item Call Housekeeping Office immediately when any item is found. The guest may call to inquire at...
HOUSEKEEPINGOFFICE&GUESTFLOOR客房办公室及客房服务 9LostandFoundProcedure 失物招领程序 10.MonthlyLinenInventory 月度布草盘点 11.MasterKeySignOutProcedure 万能钥匙签领程序 12.SigninProcedure 签到程序 13.SignoutProcedure 签退程序 14.GuestRoomAmenities&SuppliesSet-up 客用品配放 15.“DoNotDistribute”Procedure...
HOUSEKEEPING OFFICEGUEST FLOOR 客房办公室及客房服务 9 Lost and Found Procedure 失物招领程序 10. Monthly Linen Inventory 月度布草盘点 11. Master Key Sign Out Procedure 万能钥匙签领程序 12. Sign in Procedure 签到程序 13. Sign out Procedure 签退程序 14. Guest Room Amenities Supplies Set-up 客用品...
任何失物必须及时交到客房部办公室 -Housekeeping Office isresponsible for the administration of all Lost and Found 客房部办公室负责管理所有失物招领事宜 -Anything in a C/O room should be treated as L&F itemCall Housekeeping Office immediately when any item is found. The guest may call to inquire ...
Housekeeping office in the following morning for proper documentation. 所有在夜间因客房部无人而未交到客房部办公室的失物应交往前台。夜值经理第二天早上 交 房部办公室记录备案。 11。 Employees who leave the employment of Hotel rescind all claims to items held by Housekeeping regardless of value。 无...
HOUSEKEEPING OFFICE&GUESTFLOOR 客房办公室及客房服务 9 LostandFoundProcedure 失物招领程序 10。Monthly LinenInventory 月度布草盘点 11。Master Key Sign Out Procedure 万能钥匙签领程序 12。 SigninProcedure 签到程序 13. SignoutProcedure 签退程序 14. Guest RoomAmenities&SuppliesSet-up ...
1.BlockroomsforVIPs andearlyarrivals. Toensurethatrooms blockforVIPguests SOP-FO-03预留房间22 roomsfromthereservationscreenusingF3in PMStosearchforthedesiredroomtype. 在预留房间时,贵宾客人享有优先权。在 PMS内使用F3从指定房型中寻求所需房间。