Focuses on the plans to bestow the Soong Ching Ling Scholarships to middle school students and primary school pupils in China who excel in ideology, culture, arts, sports, science and technology. Commemoration for Soong Ching Ling's lifetime devotion to Chinese nation, youth and children.Lanxing...
7,132 m² for outdoor playgrounds in Hongmei Campus and 25,100 m² for outdoor playgrounds in Zhaoxiang CampusExcellent facilities with indoor swimming pool, gym, fun dazzle, music room, computer room, dance room and piano rooms. Partnership between home and school is highly valued. Hongmei...
第一届活动完美落幕,演出结束观众纷纷留下建议与感想,也带给我们深深地启迪,相信有了这一次的经验,下一届TEDx SoongChingLingSchool将更加精彩、更加多样且具有启发性,承扬TED的精神:"值得分享的想法”! As the first TEDxSoongChingLingSchool event, ...
Soong Ching Ling School in QingPu comprises an international division and a domestic division, both dedicated to the legacy of our benefactor Madame Soong Ling Ching and to the highest standards of education. The International Divis...
Soongchingling Chengdu, International Kindergarten 宋庆齡国际幼儿园. Address: No. 599, Jinshang West Road, Gaoxin District 高新区锦尚西二路599号.
Soong Ching-ling (27 de enero de 1893 - 29 de mayo de 1981), más conocida como, fue la segunda esposa de, uno de los líderes de laRevolución Xinhaide 1911 que estableció laRepública de China. Al igual que su difunto esposo ella era miembro de losTemplarios. ...
宋庆龄幼儿园国际部 Soong Ching Ling Kindergarten International Division|菁kids上海择校指南 宋庆龄幼儿园坐落于充满生机的赵巷绿色生活居住园区和虹桥经济开发区,是一所致力于推广优质早期教育的知名国际学校。秉承宋庆龄“把最宝 贵的东西给予儿童”的教育思想,培养宋幼孩子宽阔的胸襟、活跃的思维、好学的态度、开阔的...
宋庆龄学校国际部 Soong Ching Ling School International Division|菁kids上海择校指南 上海宋庆龄学校创办于2008年,由中国福利会全资兴办。校园坐落于绿树成荫的青浦特色生活居住区,占地150亩,拥有一流的配套教学软硬件设施。秉承着“将最宝贵的东西给予儿童”的宗旨,宋庆龄学校致力于将孩子培养为贯通中西文化、胸怀大爱...
The Former Residence of Soong Ching Ling is located in a tranquil and elegant garden near Shichahai in downtown Beijing. [Photo/Official website of the Former Residence of Soong Ching Ling] The garden features a serene pond, rugged rocks, lush...
Ching-Ling Soong. Self: From Mao to Mozart: Isaac Stern in China. Ching-Ling Soong was born on 27 January 1893 in Shanghai, China. She was married to Yat-sen Sun. She died on 29 May 1981 in China.