时隔 3 年,ZV-1 Mark II 终于面世。是的,我知道你们可能想知道,没有4K 60p、没有10 位颜色、没有IBIS,那么为什么要购买 ZV-1 II?简单的答案就是18mm广角镜头。从 RX100 IV 开始,我就一直梦想拥有一台超广角紧凑型相机。已
The ZV-1 has been a very popular compact camera for Sony since its launch back in 2020, offering lots of features designed specifically for vlogging and content creation. Now the new Mark II version of the ZV-1 has been launched in May 2023. So how does the new ZV1 II differ from ...
G7xmark2 vs SONY ZV1,视频博主应该怎么选?!这是一期自发的,蓄谋已久的相机测评视频。在过去一年的时间里,我在评论以及私信中都有陆陆续续收到大家让我推荐相机的需求,今天视频来了。比起推荐,这个视频更多是在阐述我对两部相机的使用感受。视频中测评了一些日常拍摄会用到的基础参数,分别是:像素、光圈、焦距...
我與姆明的不專業不負責任之相機評測 CANON G7X Mark3 vs Sony ZV1 vs Sony A7C (CC字幕)【Mushroom's Life 36 1 2022-10-03 12:12:45 您当前的浏览器不支持 HTML5 播放器 请更换浏览器再试试哦~点赞 投币 收藏 分享
Sony ZV-E1 Review Introduction Sitting at the head of the ZV range, the Sony ZV-E1 is a 35mm full-frame mirrorless camera designed to be the ultimate all-round compact hybrid option for video content creators and vloggers. Literally taking the A7S III as its starting point, the ZVE1 ...
索尼a6300与佳能经典老机器60D 5D3视频画质对比 Sony a6300 vs 60D vs 5D Mark 3 1.6万 14 14:08 App 到底进步了没!索尼a6400 VS a6500 VS a5100对焦对比评测! 5918 0 00:25 App 索尼zve10+18-135镜头。拍摄月亮参数和对焦教程 9705 17 12:51 App 【评测】腾龙28-75 室外实战惊现BUG 翻车现场!(...
88VIP:SONY 索尼 zv1m2二代数码相机Vlog4K视频学生美肤照相机ZV-1 II 爆料人: 咖啡卜奶茶 14:35发布 天猫精选此款目前活动售价6299元,下单领取满800元减60元优惠券,参与满1件打9.5折,湖北国补立减20%,立减1248元优惠活动,下单1件,实付低至3790.76元,近期好价。 简明购买步骤 1 领券 立减20% 立减1248元...
接下来直接说下使用感受吧。 ️索尼ZV1:这款是我最后留下的相机,因为我主要是拿来拍摄vlog,极少...
This reviewer received promo considerations or sweepstakes entry for writing a review. Perfect buy from Best Buy! Got a zv1f for $300 refurbished and it works absolutely perfect. Literally like new! I am obsessed with their customer service and access to geek squad makes things easier ...
Hi Dennis,Sony commitment to customer satisfaction is our top priority.Thank you for your feedback on our ZV1 camera. We're ...See more 5 out of 5 stars review 11/30/2022 Amazing compact cameraI got this for content creation and vlogging for my podcast purposely...