这是一款多合一相机,可提供光学图像稳定功能,可翻转的LCD(最终,索尼,谢谢!),高达30fps的4K视频,f / 1.8-2.8的24-70mm等效视场和顶部装有热靴的麦克风插座。 但是它会变得更好。在DPReview与Sony VP田中健二(Kenji Tanaka)的最近一次访谈中,他透露了一个新的桌面应用程序正在将您的Sony ZV-1变成USB网络摄像头。
Nikon Coolpix 990+1 more Sony ZV-1 If you believe there are incorrect tags, please send us this post using ourfeedback form. Reply to threadReply with quoteComplain 19andrew47•Forum Pro• Posts: 49,870 Re: SONY ZV1: firmware update problem ...
视频地址: 【DPReview】索尼 Sony ZV-E10 测评 | 最佳入门级Vlog相机? 新世界的超新星 粉丝:76文章:57 关注索尼Sony ZV-E10,购买指南 01:43 顶部有热靴,可以和闪光灯联动 是mi靴口 01:56 三麦克风立体拾音系统 02:14 有电控变焦系统,可满足单手操作或者缓慢变焦 02:22...
索尼微单ZV系列主要有zv1-f、zv-1一代、zv-1二代、zv-E10、zv-EI,这个排序下来,分别是入门、进阶、专业到旗舰。 接下来,我会根据相机的特征,分析,大家可以结合自己的需求进行选择。 1、入门级:zv1-f 这款相机有广角,适合有自拍需求的朋友,它的优点是价格便宜,操作简单,充电口TYPE—C,比较方便;缺点是对焦...
Nikon 尼康 Z 6II 全画幅 微单相机 黑色 单机身8349元起 SONY 索尼 ZV-E10 APS-C画幅 微单相机3989元起 SONY 索尼 Alpha 7 IV 全画幅 微单相机 黑色 单机身12600元起 SONY 索尼 ZV-E10 APS-C画幅 微单相机 黑色 E PZ 16-50mm F3.5 OSS 变焦镜头 单头套机4499元起 ...
The absence of OIS and PDAF is quite baffling though, especially the latter - DPReview's video sample shows quite a bit of focus wobbling even when the person is standing still and only slightly shaking his head. In my country this costs roughly the same as the much more competent ZV-1,...
Below are the rumored specifications:Continue reading“Sony ZV-E10 Vlogger E-mount Camera Coming Soon” Sony New 20MP Four Third and 40MP Full-frame Sensor Dpreviewforum members spotted a new Sony 4/3 image sensor IMX472-AAJK onSony’s website. ...
Sony ZV-1 Mark II review, a vlogging camera with excellent video that thrives in auto modes Jan 31, 2024 Sony ZV-1 Mark II studio scene published Aug 1, 2023 Sony ZV-1 Mark II - how is it as a photographer's compact? Jul 5, 2023 Latest sample galleries Fujifilm X-M5 samp...