164 -- 2:31 App [SONY官方]α6600宣传介绍片 ( 2160 X 3840 ) 1184 9 4:57 App [AutoTopNL]雷诺 梅甘娜Megane RS Trophy R AKRAPOVIC 声浪实录 0-250km/h加速测试 [60FPS] 1.7万 53 7:20 App 【开箱】日本本土满血Xperia1V|16GB RAM+512GB 7962 188 24:21 App 索尼A7Cii开箱!A7C2和a67...
XA1 Ultra与XA1 Plus,XA系列的特色就是价格亲民、强调超高相机规格以及大萤幕画面,XA2与XA2 Ultra同样延续了这条血脉,两支新机售价都在一万五千元以下(XA2售价NT 10,990、XA2 Ultra售价NT 14,990)、同样拥有2300万画素主镜头、皆能拍摄4K影片、萤幕虽然并非全萤幕设计不过也有超薄边框,这样延续了XA精神...
Sony 踏入 18 年,已急不及待發表兩款新機Xperia XA2及Xperia XA2 Ultra。今次產品設計經過改良,並於機背加入指紋識別器,可以算是 Sony 在中階機的新嘗試。兩款新機中,筆者先會試試屏幕較小,手感更好的Xperia XA2。 主相機對焦快,畫質細緻 Sony Xperia XA2由於機身較小,而且機身亦保留獨立快門鍵,單手操作...
and it has brought some of its best cases to the Xperia XA2. This standing book case is one of Roxfit’s top designs, offering full protection in a super-slim package. The inner protective shell clips around your phone tightly, ensuring it doesn’t fall out, while ...
Sony大法一直好,特别是工业设计一直业界一流,但产品还是不能紧跟时代步伐,落后了。但不要紧,坚守就有机会,赶在农历新年前带来两款Xperia XA2系列新作,分别是5.2寸的XA2及6寸XA2 Ultra,沿用超窄屏幕边框,换上背式指纹解锁,更首度配备前置双镜头,既可拍出高画质自拍照,亦可利用超广角将好友统统捕捉入镜...
Xperia XZ1 Xperia XZ2 Xperia XZ3 Xperia XZ4 Xperia XZ5 Xperia ACE III Product sellpoints Magnetic Closure:Features a strong magnetic closure to keep your phone secure and easily accessible. Compact Xperia|Sony Xperia E5|Genuine Leather Material:Crafted from premium genuine leather, this case offers...
The Sony Xperia XA2 comes with an 8MP, 1/4" snapper with an impressively wide field of view. 120-degree, or a 11mm equivalent should be enough even for the most ambitious group shots. And in case that is a bit too broad to accommodate your regular selfie needs, there is also a togg...
sony/索尼远程全系列刷机 ROOT xperia 1 5 II III IV XZ3 xp10iii XZ2C XZP XZ1C XP XC XA2 z5 解锁救砖。升级安卓12降级;软银au日版刷欧版、精简系统,黑砖,电脑不识别问题,类原生系统,miui flyme皆可刷入 root 面具 twrp远程root 刷面具 twrp等等 支持安卓11 安卓1
Xperia XA2 Ultra将会采用6″ 1080P屏幕,搭载骁龙630处理器, 4GB RAM+64GB ROM,支援1500万像素双自拍镜头, 2300万像素主镜头,预载Android 8.0!至于Xperia XA2采用5.2″ 1080P屏幕,骁龙630处理器, 3GB RAM+32GB ROM,主镜头同为2300万像,自拍镜头则是800万像。至于Xperia L2定位就更加入门,同样采用骁龙630处...