The Xperia Transfer 2 app will not transfer the application data from the old iPhone. However, you may be able to take over some of the accounts from the old iPhone depending on the apps or service so that you can continue using it on the Xperia smartphone. When transferring the content ...
Are you looking for solutions to transfer data from a Samsung to a Sony Xperia device? Here are two hassle-free techniques to do Samsung to Sony data transfer.
Support Self Support Contact Support Community Register a Product Sign In Sony Rewards Electronics Registration Electronics Community Sony Sites Search Sony Sony SupportXperia 5 IV 128GB Article ID : 00266827 / Last Modified : 05/21/2024How do I transfer data to the SD card?
To transfer backed up data to Xperia device Sign in to your Google account (if you are not already signed in) From your home screen, find and tap Settings > Accounts > Add account > Google Sign in using the same account used for backing up from iOS device. Once signed in, all your ...
如果你是win10你又可能会提示:FAILED(data transfer failure(Too many links))不要慌,参考上面那个绿色链接,把输入的数字改成8就ok。再重复操作就能正常刷入twrp了。 成功操作 接下来让我们按住开机键和音量下键进入twrp,你可以先把语言设置成中文(新加坡)。把下载的1,5包拷进手机里面(ROM地址:http://bbs.gfan...
Xperia Transfer 2 If SONY has a separate privacy policy for the Application, such privacy policy will additionally govern processing of your information for such Application. In the event of any inconsistency between this Privacy Policy and the privacy policy for such Application, the terms set fort...
The Sony Xperia Z3 has a 5.2" IPS LCD of 1080p resolution so on paper the screen doesn't seem to bring any improvements. However the company has actually...
The Sony Xperia T3 has pretty much the same controls as preceding Xperia models. The control layout is pretty much set in stone, and in the T series that includes a dedicated shutter key. Good thing they kept it even though the camera resolution took the axe - from 13MP in the Xperia ...
Sony Xperia 1 VI Style Cover (suggested retail price: HK$290)2 Privilege exclusive to 1O1O customers: 1-on-1 handset consultancy for a hassle-free hop to a new phone Mobile data defragmentation Mobile data transfer Helpful handset tutorial Mobile security check ...
Data can't be sent from an Android device to Xperia using Xperia Transfer 2 Online features of the Sketch app closed on September 30, 2019Product Repair Repair information and service assistance Community Here you can ask questions and connect with other Sony users \n \n \n \n \n \n \...