索尼(SONY) WH-1000XM4 无线优质降噪头戴式耳机 带麦克风 双噪声传感器技术 黑色Black图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
Black Brand Sony Model name WH-1000XM4 About this item Product details Sony’s intelligent industry-leading noise canceling headphones with premium sound elevate your listening experience with the ability to personalize and control everything you hear. Get up to 30 hours of batte...
索尼(SONY) WH-1000XM4 无线优质降噪头戴式耳机 30小时续航 内置麦克风 Jet Black WH-1000XM4B图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
Sony WH-1000XM4 Wireless Premium Noise Canceling Overhead Headphones with Mic for Phone-Call and Alexa Voice Control, Black WH1000XM4 Recommendations Sony WH-1000XM4 Wireless Premium Noise Canceling Overhead Headphones with Mic for Phone-Call and Alexa Voice Control, Midnight Blue WH1000XM4 Son...
PLUS会员:SONY 索尼 WH-1000XM4 耳罩式头戴式动圈降噪蓝牙耳机 铂金银 1451.01元(需用券) 京东 22小时前 2 2 概率券、以旧换新补贴:SONY 索尼 WH-1000XM4 耳罩式头戴式动圈降噪蓝牙耳机 黑色 1173.4元包邮(双重优惠) 京东 11-04 17:16 9 0 SONY 索尼 WH-1000XM4 耳罩式头戴式动圈降噪蓝牙耳...
The WH-1000XM4 use the same 40mm drivers found in the previous model and the finishes are the same too: Black or Platinum Silver. In the XM5 headphones, there's a new 30mm carbon fibre composite dome. There have been changes to the ‘hangar’ section of the headphone (the hinged fork...
【10元券】罗技(Logitech)G613 LIGHTSPEED无线机械游戏键盘,多主机2.4GHz+蓝牙连接 Black G613 Gami -- -- 1:20 App 【30元券】苹果(Apple)iPad Air 4th 第四代平板 10.9英寸Wi-Fi 20年款 64GB 19 -- 1:10 App 【50元券】显示器电脑4K 24 27 32寸2K 144HZ电竞游戏ips曲面hdmi高清无边框 24曲面白色...
WH-1000XM4 Wireless Premium Noise Canceling Headphones | Blue $199.99 $349.99 Save $150.00 Starting $17/mo ADD TO CART Est. Delivery Dec 19-20 or Pick up as early as today ULT POWER SOUND series | ULT WEAR Wireless Noise Canceling Headphones | Black $129.99 $199.99 Save $70.00 Startin...
The Sony WH-1000XM4 come in two different color variants: 'Black' and 'Silver'. We tested the Silver model, and you can see its label here. These headphones also come in 'Midnight Blue', which are exclusive to Best Buy, and in a limited edition 'Silent White' color scheme to celebra...
价格:暂无报价 评价: 点击前往购买 综述介绍 参数 图片 视频 评价 报价 问答 排行 相似 热卖 优惠 可参加以下优惠活动 实名有礼 实名认证领苏宁支付券 详细参数 品牌:索尼(SONY)型號:WH-1000XM4/BME佩戴方式:頭戴式 是否有線控:冇綫控是否內置麥克風:是最大承載功率:-瓦特 ...