为此不少厂商也开始加快了产品线的改新换代,近日SONY(索尼)就为其早前推出的主打入门级市场的Walkman NWZ-E383随身听推出新一代产品Walkman NW-E394播放器,产品现已在SONY台湾官网上架,售价2490台币(约489元),现提供红色、蓝色、黑色三款配色以满足年轻族群风格多变的选购需求。
为此不少厂商也开始加快了产品线的改新换代,近日SONY(索尼)就为其早前推出的主打入门级市场的Walkman NWZ-E383随身听推出新一代产品Walkman NW-E394播放器,产品现已在SONY台湾官网上架,售价2490台币(约489元),现提供红色、蓝色、黑色三款配色以满足年轻族群风格多变的选购需求。
SONY 索尼 Walkman NW-E394 播放器商品介绍 完善信息 该款产品依旧定位于入门级市场,考虑到出门携带使用的便捷性,SONY特意为NW-E394采用了轻便耐用且质感极佳的铝制金属外壳机身,整机净重仅为39克,出门携带放在包内可以说是毫不费力。体重减轻但并不代表机身内置电池续航也会随之下降,相反的NW-E394拥有了更强的...
产品简介:索尼 Walkman NW-E394,采用了很是中规中矩的长条形的外观设计,不过前脸采用的家族式传统设计的“米奇头”布局的按键,还是能让人一眼看出其Walkman家族成员的身份.此外,NW-E394装配了一块1.8英寸QVGA级别的显示屏,内置8GB存储空间,支持FM收音机,对MP3/WMA/AAC/LPCM以上几种音频格式都有着良好的支持。
Sony Walkman 8GB MP3/DVD Player, Black, NW-E394 Available with 8 GB on-board storage Up to 35 hours of battery life Drag and drop file transfer What's Included: Headphones (1), quick start guide, USB ...
NWE394/R Walkman MP3 Player - Red Stay entertained with this compact MP3 player/FM radio that lets you enjoy music and photos with drag-and-drop ease, plus up to 35 hours of battery life. Red 8 GB Walkman® Audio player Take your music with youThe compact design of the Sony® ...
Sony 宣布在台湾推出两款 Walkman ,包括入门级的 Walkman E-394 ,以及防水运动 Walkman NW-WS413 ; Walkman E-394 采用铝质上盖,萤幕为 1.8 吋彩色显示器,内建 8GB 储存空间(无额外扩充插槽),并具备 FM 广播收听功能,可连续播放 35 小时音乐,建议售价为 2,490 元。至于运动型 Walk...
Buy Sony NW-E394 Walkman MP3 Player with FM Radio, 8 GB - Blue with fast shipping and top-rated customer service. Newegg shopping upgraded ™
美国亚马逊 Sony NWE394/B 8GB Walkman MP3 Player (Black): Home Audio & Theater历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Sony NWE394/B 8GB Walkman MP3 Player (Black): Home Audio & Theater
NW-E394 Walkman® Digital Music Player | Black $74.99 Starting $19/mo Email me when available Out Of Stock Compare NW-WS413 Waterproof Sports Wearable MP3 Player | Black $99.99 Starting $25/mo ADD TO CART Est. Delivery Mar 4-5 Compare NW-WM1ZM2 $3,699.99 Starting $129/mo...