Vinyl Processor Give the warmth and character of vinyl back to your digital tracks. Enjoy subtle reproduction of the low-frequency resonance, tone-arm resistance and surface noise deliver an authentic listening experience. NW-A306
The NW-A300 series features a USB Type-C™ port for quick charging and easy connectivity with a range of devices. Expandable storage With a 32 GB2integrated memory and an SD card slot, the NW-A300 series Walkman® lets you take even the biggest music collections on the go. ...
Supported by Android™ and compatible with Wi-Fi®, the NW-A300 series offers you even more ways to listen to your music. Enjoy your favourite streaming and music apps right on your Walkman® or connect to a PC to access your music collection. ...
S-Master™ HX digital amp technology, independently developed for Walkman®, is compatible with the Native DSD format, and supports balanced and high-power output. It reduces distortion and noise across a wide range of frequencies, for rich and full-bodied sound, further enhanced by new high...
As a playful nod to the portable music revolution we began with the iconic TPS-L2, the NW-A300 series features a special cassette tape user interface and screensaver. The cassette tape visual that appears on your Walkman® display varies depending on the codec of the music you're listening...
索尼(SONY)NW-A306安卓高解析度音乐播放器MP3Hi-ResAudio3.6英寸32G黑色 比上次发布低5% 商品好评率96% 去购买 优惠 满800元减60元 领取 作为一个音乐播放器忠实信徒之前用过很多款索尼播放器。进进出出不断的更换,这次是卖掉了zx2入手新的型号306。叙述之前先说几句题外话,音乐播放器本身就是一个小众产品,不...
NW-A300 系列 Walkman 配備 32GB整合式記憶卡和SD 卡插槽,讓您時隨處收聽大量音樂收藏。 輕鬆下載及串流 兼容Wi-Fi,可直接下載及串流音樂 NW-A300 系列支援 Android™ 並兼容 Wi-Fi,為您提供更多聆聽音樂的方式。透過 Walkman 享受心愛的串流內容和音樂應用程式,亦可連接至電腦以存取音樂收藏。