索尼Sony VRD-MC10 DVD Firmware 官方正式版 For win98/win2000/winxp/winme 操作系统:win98/win2000/winxp/winme 发布厂商:索尼 发布日期:2020/05/11 文件容量:5MB 驱动种类:官方正式版 适应硬件: 驱动说明: 【驱动名称】Sony索尼VRD-MC10 DVD刻录机Firmware ROX5185版(2010年9月8日发布) 【如何更新和安装...
DVDSonyVRD-MC6多媒体数字奥斯卡奖动态效果客制化播放机SONY是个人多媒体数字领域的巨头,今天又发表了全新的DVD影音转录机VRD-MC6 DVDirect(就是前代机子VRD-MC10和VRD-MC5的升级版),最大的卖点就是不需透过PC,直接转录来自于摄影机,记忆卡(还贴心的配备了doi:CNKI:SUN:JLMT.0.2009-04-018CNKI记录媒体技术...
Improved autofocus function. I can report from first hand that this is working very well in most cases While having the camera for a relatively short time, it always felt as being a very responsive flexible working tool. No matter what I filmed with it and at what time of the day/night,...
Now that most of the recent full frame cameras have the capability to shoot ProRes RAW via external recording, we are able to get a glimpse how the untouched “raw” images compare to the signal processed internally recorded images. Hence, I was quite curious to see how the new Sony FX6...
家有DV就选它——SONY多功能直联式VRD—MC3刻录机 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) Sony索尼XR-CA620X Installation Guide说明书 用户手册.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 Sony索尼XR-CA620XInstallationGuide说明书用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 ...
recently was training a bunch of Girl Guides for their Astronomy badge. On that occasion I projected the A7S's image on the white garage door. I have also captured this output to a Sony Video Recordable DVD Drive (VRD-MC1); the same unit I used to copy all my old Beta/VHS's to ...
产品简介:VRD-MC1的最大特点是可直接与摄像机、数码相机、数字存储卡等进行连接,无须PC即可完成从节目编辑、压缩、编码到刻录成光盘的全部过程,集多媒体视频采集、剪辑、编码、压缩、刻录、播放等功能于一身,功能强大,简便易用。 标题 作者 接下来您可以 ...
产品简介:索尼VRD-MC6无需通过电脑就可以将家庭录像和数码照片刻录到DVD光盘上。索尼VRD-MC6可以通过USB或Memory StickTM记忆棒TM将AVCHD视频信号从索尼硬盘系列/Memory StickTM记忆棒TM系列高清数码摄像机刻录到DVD光盘上,刻录的DVD光盘可以在兼容的蓝光光盘(Blu-ray DiscTM)播放机/刻录机或其它兼容设备上播放。
The article provides information on Sony Corp.'s new DVDDirect VRD-VC10 DVD recorder. The new DVD recorder is a realtime DVD recording and computer-attached burning in one small unit. It supports nearly every DVD format including DVD...