› 智能电视 / 安卓TV区 › Sony索尼电视 › 索尼电视连不上WiFi怎么办?2022索尼电视WiFi连接解决方 ...12 / 2 页 返回列表 楼主: 小鲁班班 [交流&讨论] 索尼电视连不上WiFi怎么办?2022索尼电视WiFi连接解决方法 [复制链接] rrryyy000 ...
How to connect wifi from mobile to sony tv Klv-40bx420Televisions Like Answer Share 1 answer 241 views Aldrin G(Moderator) 4 years ago Hi User16216876224442391158, Welcome to the Sony Community! Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, your Sony TV is not capable of conne...
Go to the network settings on your iPhone and choose the Sony WIFI direct network name your TV is now displaying and enter the password the TV also shows. Your app will now work. The downside is that you cannot access any other Internet content on your iPhone with WIFI Direct connection, ...
[VIDEO] How to troubleshoot the Wi-Fi connection on your Android TV or Google TV How to perform network diagnosis if the Android TV or Google TV can't connect to the internet [VIDEO] How to connect your BRAVIA TV with Google TV to WiFi My Android TV doesn't connect to my wireless ...
我把设定里面的HDMI关机关闭了,但是Apple TV关掉的时候电视还是会一起关,大家有这个情况吗?怎么解决? ezzt625 12-21 0 求教蓝牙耳机 巫医的救... 苹果蓝牙耳机连索尼电视,ps5pro 4k120hz下声音只能选杜比全景声没问题,选pcm时不时会声音变瘪,杜比音质会时不时没声,dts也是没声,求教高人,时不时电视设置里有...
Devices are on the same WiFi network and my Bravia 7 Bluetooth is on and in pairing mode but the app won’t connect. The app just keeps cycling then times out. Surprised that Sony hasn’t addressed such a fundamental flaw??? Connection issues…come on guys!? more ...
既然索尼电视更新安卓8.0固件有这么多BUG,有些确实没办法只能等下次更新优化,但更新后连不上WIFI这个情况楼主已经为大家备好了解决方案~ 解决方法一:路由器设置 无线路由器有客人模式的。打开客人模式,不设置密码可以连上。 解决方法二:系统降级(待测试) BRAVIA液晶电视机及OLED电视机系统软件更新(针对2018年BRAVIA的...
as your TV is connected to. and then you must accept the message that appears on your TV. Bear in mind that App works with Wi-Fi (even without internet) so you are not obliged to be close to the TV so make sure that your iPhone and the TV are connected to the same wifi network...
How To Install VPN Unlimited on Your Sony Bravia TV: 3 Easy Steps Step 1 Follow this link, download and install VPN Unlimited on your device. Step 2 Set up a Virtual Private Network on your router using this guide or share your MacBook’s VPN connection using this manual. Step 3 ...
Get the best of the web on your TV with the S5500 3D Blu-ray player with WiFi PRO. Perfect for home cinema, it allows you to stream content much faster.