Support Self Support Contact Support Community Register a Product Sign In Sony Rewards Electronics Registration Electronics Community Sony Sites Search Sony Sony SupportOther Products Article ID : 00204660 / Last Modified : 11/29/2018aibo Frequently Stops and the Status LED Flashes Red Eight Times...
The center, green LED lights solid when focus is set, and flashes when the autofocus system is having trouble focusing (meaning you should switch to macro or move back from the target). The top LED glows red when the camera is accessing the Memory Stick, and blinks during the self-timer...
Battery life is poor. Since the camera and LCD and sensor and computers are always on anytime I'm using the camera, I only get about 330 shots as rated on a charge. A DSLR gets three times more shots — or more — on a charge because a DSLR's circuitry is off all the time I'...
Like 11Feb 6, 2021*permalink MikeRan That's what you all say Avery. But even if so, that only goes so far. If the equipment didn't work for them Sony couldn't give the gear away. The times, they are a-changin... Like 21Feb 6, 2021permalink (unknown member) Actually I ...
take your photos and videos to the next level. When it comes to low-light or night scenes the SLT-A65 doesn't leave you in the dark. The built-in flash allows for spur of the moment or snapshot capture, while the integrated hot shoe lets you add on flashes or other flash ...
Some users report easier auto-focusing in low light when it’s turned OFF, and you’d need to turn it off when using external flashes too that can’t be used with Sony’s TTL (through the lens) functionality. Auto Review You can check your captured image on the screen directly after ...
•WhenthePower/Chargelampflashesandchargingisnotfinished, removeandre-insertthebatterypack. GB 10 Notes •IfthePower/ChargelamponthecameraflasheswhentheACAdaptoris connectedtothewalloutlet(wallsocket),thisindicatesthatchargingis temporarilystoppedbecausethetemperatureisoutsidetherecommendedrange. Whenthetemperat...
Some users report easier autofocusing in low light when it’s turned OFF, and you’d need to turn it off when using external flashes too that can’t be used with Sony’s TTL (through the lens) functionality. When u use a flash in a studio situation, you will want to turn this off...
*6: When a lens with the same focal length is used High-speed image readout Generally, increased pixel count means increased signal processing volume, which causes issues such as a drop in frame rate and longer readout times. In order to realise high-speed readout, it is necessary to...
When“Tr”flashesinthedisplayduringnormalrecordabletime,andinLP4Stereomode,youcan record4timesthenormalrecordabletime.Inaddition,the recording recordabletimeformonauralrecordingisapproximately TheMDdeckisrecordingoverexistingtrack(s)(see doublethestereorecordingtime. “RecordingtoanMD”onpage14).Theindicationstops...