STR-AZ3000ES STR-AZ1000ES FY24 Sound Bars HT-A9000 HT-A8000 HT-A9M2 HT-AN7 SA-RS5 HT-A7000 HT-A5000 HT-ST5000 HT-Z9F SA-SW5 SA-SW3 More Portable Walkman NW-ZX507 NW-ZX300 NW-A105 NW-A55 Portable Headphones MDR-Z7M2 ...
STR-AZ1000ES Products with 4K Technology Ask your Sony specialty dealer about the advantages of Sony 4K products, including the expanded color and contrast on 4K Ultra HD TVs and enhanced capabilities of ES Receivers and home theater projectors. ...
消息| “支持HDMI 2.1 VRR” 索尼推出2023款AV功放,包括STR-AZ1000ES、STR-AZ3000ES与STR-AZ5000ES 索尼一直迟迟没有推出HDMI 2.1AV功放,雅马哈、天龙和马兰士虽然都抢着推出带HDMI 2.1的AV功放,但主板却带有缺陷,这样一看就可以理解索尼的做法了。 ... 影音新生活 行业热点 2023-02-21 1,280 Beyerdynamic...
STR-AZ7000ES/AZ5000ES/AZ3000ES/AZ1000ES/AN1000 HT-A9/A7000/A5000/A3000 BRAVIA Theatre Quad (HT-A9M2) BRAVIA Theatre Bar 9 (HT-A9000) BRAVIA Theatre Bar 8 (HT-A8000) 360 Reality Audio Certified Speakers/Home Theater Systems Upgrade your music listening...
STR-AZ7000ES/AZ5000ES/AZ3000ES/AZ1000ES/AN1000 HT-A9/A7000/A5000/A3000 BRAVIA Theatre Quad (HT-A9M2) BRAVIA Theatre Bar 9 (HT-A9000) BRAVIA Theatre Bar 8 (HT-A8000) Enceintes/systèmes Home Cinema certifiés 360 Reality Audio
STR-AZ7000ES/AZ5000ES/AZ3000ES/AZ1000ES/AN1000 HT-A9/A7000/A5000/A3000 BRAVIA Theatre Quad (HT-A9M2) BRAVIA Theatre Bar 9 (HT-A9000) BRAVIA Theatre Bar 8 (HT-A8000) 360 Reality Audio Certified Speakers/Home Theater Systems Upgrade your music listening experience with 360 Reality Audio ...
Sony STR-AZ5000ES $2,099.99Read more Sony STR-AZ7000ES $3,299.99Read more Sony UBP-X700/M Read more Sony UBP-X800M2 Read more Wilmington, DE Showroom Hours Monday through Friday: 9:30am – 5:30pm EST Saturday &Sunday:CLOSED
En stéréo, le son provient de deux enceintes uniquement. Avec 360 Reality Audio, les sources sonores (voix, instruments et effets) sont placées dans une sphère 360 qui enveloppe l'utilisateur et crée une expérience immersive. Un son hors du commun avec vos casques/écouteurs ...
STR-AZ1000ES Chromecast built-in STR-AZ3000ES Chromecast built-in STR-AZ5000ES Chromecast built-in STR-AZ7000ES Chromecast built-in STR-DH750 STR-DH770*1 STR-DN1060 Chromecast built-in Wireless Multi-room STR-DN1070 Chromecast built-in Wireless Multi-room*2 Wireless Surround STR...
STR-AZ1000ES NOTE: A/V sync is set to Auto with the following procedure. Open the Settings screen. How to access Settings The next steps will depend on your TV menu options: Select Display & Sound— Audio out— Audio system settings— A/V sync— Auto. Select Display &...