◆中古 SONY/ソニー オーディオリモコン RM-CRS80 ラジカセ 用 赤外線動作OK 196-36 ※※※必ずお読み下さい※※※ ・こちらの商品はレターパックライト発送のため保証が一切ありません。ご不安な方は佐川急便60サイズ+保険料100円に変更可能です。メッセージない方はレターパックライトと...
RM-S1AM快门线 单反相机遥控线 适用于索尼相机A900A700A350 深圳市鸿达摄影器材有限公司12年 回头率:27.6% 广东 深圳市龙岗区 ¥22.00成交2996件 热靴转换器 适用索尼单反相机转CANON尼康闪光灯使用配件HD-N3其 适用机型 索尼/Sony,a900,a700,a350,a200 ...
适用于松下EAH-AZ80耳机保护套无线蓝牙耳机壳Technics抗压硬壳盒 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#KCgoKCV1kXUhd0t053BzeLV4O3oydTNyV0lUdlR7b3hJcn9J1XKFenxxM3ctcIJ1IWfDfzVxW3lpSTZzrXtedBJJ1w==] 适用于华为Freeclip耳机保护套蓝牙耳机壳木质抗压硬壳盒胡桃木盒 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#Nzc3NzpWPWSMVTxoNGSsbkRjmGU...
PARALLEL: Operates both internal and external VCRs. INT ONLY: Operates the internal VCR only. External VCR operation is performed locally. EXT ONLY: Operates the external VCR only. Set this switch to INT ONLY when you need to do cut editing or dubbing using the DV OUT connector. 5 FRONT ...
SONY,索尼索尼 CCD-TRV95 99摄像机 使用说明书.pdf,SONY,索尼索尼CCD-TRV9599摄像机使用说明书用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册必 C) 了区 YY 3-862-052-11 (1) 因 Viadeo Carmera Recoraer Operating Instructions Before operating the unib Please read this
Canon has been making cameras since the 1930s, while Sony seems to use the same guys who designed VCRs back in the day (remember the blinking clocks showing "12:00" that no one could set?).The Sony is much more fidgety than a DSLR. It's crummy menu system always has me off in ...
You can shoot a subject that is at least about 80 cm (about 2 feet 5/8 inch) away from the lens surface in the telephoto position, or about 1 cm (about 1/2 inch) away in the wide-angle position. To zoom with the zoom ring Using the zoom ring, you can control the zoom by ...
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RMT-AA401U 适用于索尼/sonyAV 功放遥控器 STR-DH190STR-DH590 扬州市越扬电器制造有限公司20年 回头率:44.8% 江苏 仪征市 ¥94.05 全新SONY索尼 投影仪灯泡 VPL-CS6 投影机灯泡 LMP-C190 深圳市乐贝特贸易有限公司14年 回头率:13.3% 广东 深圳市龙岗区 ...