LUTs预设 复古电影风格索尼松下相机拍摄视频调色 Christian Mate Grab - Cine Vintage LUT 167 -- 0:54 App 61组复古电影风格胶片漏光划痕打孔数字线条闪烁4K视频叠加转场素材 Christian Maté Grab – Film Transition Overlays 231 -- 0:40 App 200款高清摄影照片后期修图特效PS叠加背景图片设计素材 Master Collectio...
所有的素材资料以及lut都来自于sony官网 分类好了 第一个文件夹是索尼Look个人资料 第二个是关于s709显示器外观就是大家常说的还原lut 第三个是sony自己出的第三方lut风格化 可供大家学习和使用 第一条评论有下载链接 本文禁止转载或摘编 7 9 1 展开阅读全文 热门评论() 请先登录后发表评论 (・ω...
Sony Slog2 Natural Rec709是一款电影调色lut预设包,其中包含五个.cube格式的文件,可以帮助用户快速进行调色,效果非常不错,安装包附有LUTS预设导入教程 Sony Slog2 Natural Rec709激活版点击获取 Sony Slog2 Natural Rec709预设介绍 此套装包括我们的Natural REC709 LUT和四个创意LUT,用于为您的BMPCC4K素材(...
I don't think you actually have a LUT applied there ... what it's doing is simply displaying the log-encoded footage as HDR ... as if it is meant to be HLG. You see, all HDR media is log-encoded, but some log-encoded media is still expected to be seen as SD...
After Effects, Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, DaVinci Resolve. Before HLG to Rec709 Lut Before HLG to Rec709 Lut Before HLG to Rec709 Lut I love my Sony A73 ️ However, the biggest downfall is it only records in 8 bit colour. Which makes grading SLOG near impossible. ...
Sony SLOG3 / REC709 A natural LUT to help you get the most out of your SLOG3 footage. Use this SLOG3 LUT as a one click fix, or grade on top of. With natural colors and great highlight roll-of, this LUT is natural and neutral, lending the most flexibility towards any style!
此套装包括我们的自然REC709 LUT和四个创意LUT,以设计您的BMPCC4K / 6K素材(软金,软冷,脆脆金,脆冷)。我们的创意LUT受到一些顶级高端广告的启发,它们包括两种柔软和两种对比的外观,一种是温暖的,一种是较...
下载地址: 索尼SLOG3转REC709LUT预设 Tropic Colour – SONY CONVERSION LUTS 我们创建了 5 个转换 LUTS,旨在与所有索尼相机配合使用!这些 LUTS 坚固耐用并经过实战测试,可立即使您的 LOG / FLAT 图像呈现更自然的“709 Inspired”外观,从而为开始颜色分级创造了完美的起点!Sony S-LOG3 Conversion LUTS & LOOKS...
from the files you downloaded. LOADING THE LUTs IN Adobe After Effects: 1. Import Your Footage 2. Find the Effects & Presets Panel 3. Search for the ‘Apply Color LUT' Utility 4. In the dialog box select the LUT you'd like to apply 5. You've successfully applied a LUT to your ...