Reader Library by Sony也就是大家说的索尼图书馆阅读器,可以随时随地的查阅SONY网上图书馆中的电子书,可惜该软件目前还未支持中文版的,不过界面设计很简洁,不会影响使用的 官方介绍 Sony图书馆软件,通过这个软件使用者可以在PC上或是手持阅读设备上查阅SONY网上图书馆中的书籍。软件支持Google Books的阅读、下载和管理...
Features of Sony Reader for PC Annotations: Highlight, add notes and bookmarks. Cloud Connectivity: Access eBooks from cloud storage. Desktop Sync: Keep your library in sync between devices. Dictionary Lookup: Get definitions of words in your book. EBook Formats: Read ePub, PDF and more. Expor...
Reader Library by Sony是一款sony图书馆软件,通过这个软件使用者可以在pc上或是手持阅读设备上查阅sony网上图书馆中的书籍。软件支持google books的阅读、下载和管理。即使不用它下载google books,也是一个很好的阅读和管理本地epub电子书的工具。 Reader Library by Sony下载地址 ...
Sign In Sony Rewards Electronics Registration Electronics Community Sony Sites Search Sony Sony SupportPRS Series Article ID : 00030580 / Last Modified : 03/25/2014The Reader library software stops responding when trying to delete a file in the Library....
4. 用sony官方软件eBook Library(现在改名叫eReader了,功能更加强大)导入的书,包括PDF格式的,都能自动排版,排版效果赞。缺点: 1. 屏幕容易坏,E-ink的屏都是比较脆的,所以当时还买了个手工木盒保护~ 2. 金属磨砂的外壳,冬天用实在是有点冷。 3. 翻页会闪屏,不过了解了E-ink的原理之后,这个还是可以容忍的。
The article reports that electronics company Sony has released an electronic reading device called Reader Wi-Fi, the first dedicated e-reader to offer wireless borrowing of OverDrive library e-book titles, unlike other e-readers that require a physical connection to download the library files....
presented the reader as a more open alternative toAmazon’s Kindle, with just as many great specs. Its added benefit, however, is access to millions of free books via two services: Google Books, which is actively scanning out-of-print titles, and various public library partners which are un...
Leave the dusty library at home; with 512MB of onboard memory there's enough space to store up to 350 books on your Reader at once. Sony also gave this digital book compatibility with both PC and Mac. Both systems support the easy to use eBook Library 3.0 software for managing ...
Wireless Public Library Lending TheSony PRS-T1 Wi-Fi Reader (Black)has a number of things going for it, not the least of which is its Wi-Fi connectivity. Supported browsers include IE, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. Another great aspect of this feature is access to the public library for ...
SONY Sony Sites ElectronicsSupportSupport Self Support Contact Support Community Register a Product Sign In Sony Rewards Electronics Registration Electronics Community Sony Sites Search Sony Sony Support Article ID : S1F0507 / Last Modified : 09/22/2009 Clean Install Instructions for Windows® 7...