Reader Library by Sony也就是大家说的索尼图书馆阅读器,可以随时随地的查阅SONY网上图书馆中的电子书,可惜该软件目前还未支持中文版的,不过界面设计很简洁,不会影响使用的 官方介绍 Sony图书馆软件,通过这个软件使用者可以在PC上或是手持阅读设备上查阅SONY网上图书馆中的书籍。软件支持Google Books的阅读、下载和管理...
NOTE: If the eBook Library is still open and not responding, follow these steps to close the Reader (eBook) Library software: On the computer keyboard, simultaneously press Ctrl+Alt+Delete. In the Windows Task Manager window, click the Processes tab. Under Image Name click eBook Library, then...
Reader Library by Sony是一款sony图书馆软件,通过这个软件使用者可以在pc上或是手持阅读设备上查阅sony网上图书馆中的书籍。软件支持google books的阅读、下载和管理。即使不用它下载google books,也是一个很好的阅读和管理本地epub电子书的工具。 Reader Library by Sony下载地址 ...
Features of Sony Reader for PC Annotations: Highlight, add notes and bookmarks. Cloud Connectivity: Access eBooks from cloud storage. Desktop Sync: Keep your library in sync between devices. Dictionary Lookup: Get definitions of words in your book. EBook Formats: Read ePub, PDF and more. Expor...
The article reports that electronics company Sony has released an electronic reading device called Reader Wi-Fi, the first dedicated e-reader to offer wireless borrowing of OverDrive library e-book titles, unlike other e-readers that require a physical connection to download the library files....
1、如果你从未带SD卡将PRS-505连入你的PC,建议至少连入一次,并打开ebook library软件让它识别这个SD卡是“SD Card on Reader”,否则会识别成“SD Card on PC”,这样可能保存相关信息的cache文件不会改变,只是将文件COPY进去。以后就可以脱离直接将SD卡取到读卡器中连入PC了。但要注意的是如果SD卡中有很多书了...
SONY Sony Sites ElectronicsSupportSupport Self Support Contact Support Community Register a Product Sign In Sony Rewards Electronics Registration Electronics Community Sony Sites Search Sony Sony Support Article ID : S1F0507 / Last Modified : 09/22/2009 Clean Install Instructions for Windows® 7...
4. 用sony官方软件eBook Library(现在改名叫eReader了,功能更加强大)导入的书,包括PDF格式的,都能自动排版,排版效果赞。缺点: 1. 屏幕容易坏,E-ink的屏都是比较脆的,所以当时还买了个手工木盒保护~ 2. 金属磨砂的外壳,冬天用实在是有点冷。 3. 翻页会闪屏,不过了解了E-ink的原理之后,这个还是可以容忍的。
The solid pattern type is versatile enough to match any style, making it a practical and fashionable accessory for the avid reader. With its compatibility with a wide range of e-readers and tablets, this sleeve pouch case is an essential addition to your digital library. All products support ...
Product introduction:SONY Felica USB NFC Reader RC-S380 order USB NFC Reader RC-S380 NFC Forum-certified Conforms to PC/SC 2.0 Windows8 The RC-S380 product is the world's first reader certified by the NFC Forum Certification Program*. It is capable of communicating both with devices that con...