Lowest price for Sony PlayStation 5 (PS5) Slim Standard Disc Edition is $449.49. This is currently the cheapest offer among 14 stores. Compare: Sony Game Consoles Features Product Product name Sony PlayStation 5 (PS5) Slim Standard Disc Edition Brand Sony Product properties Included...
【索尼(Sony) Playstation 5 Slim disc drive PS5 超薄驱动版 游戏机 1TB 欧版 Playstation 5 Disc 原价549欧!今晚8点秒杀!仅399.99欧!!!抢完即止!!!】 游戏体验全新升级!超薄设计,更轻便时尚,搭载1TB超大存储,容纳更多游戏精彩。光驱版本支持实体光盘,让经典与新作轻松畅玩,让你尽享畅快游戏体验!O网页链接 ...
Sony发布新主机PS5 Slim~性能普通,配件亮眼 10月10日,Sony宣布将在11月推出一系列新产品,包括PS5主机、手柄和耳机。 PS5 Slim新主机 同样分数字和光碟两个版本,性能没有太大的升级,主打的是“瘦身”。与以前的机型相比,体积减少了30%以上,重量减少了18%和24%。 外观设计上略做调整,白色机壳从左右两大块改成...
Yes and no. The overall reduction in size is about 30 per cent, says Sony in a blog post. That’s true of both the disc and digital (no optical disc drive) versions of the console. Here’s how the dimensions compare between the original 2020 PS5 and the new PS5 Slim: Original PS5 ...
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