登陆PlayStation Network 或创建一个账号,即可在选定的 Sony 集团服务中享受单点登陆 ID 的所有便捷。 登陆或创建账号 节省时间,免除麻烦 您可以使用与其他支持此功能的 Sony 集团服务相同的登陆 ID 和密码登陆 PlayStation Network。 通过关联您的账号和数据: ...
Sony officially announced that, after twelve years and countless user requests, it’s finally allowing users to change their PlayStation Network names. It’s opening the feature to the PlayStation Preview program so certain users can test it. The rumor that PlayStation was making this long-await...
If you're a PlayStation Plus member, it will only cost you £3.99/€4.99. How to change your PSN Online ID? There are two options open to you: either from your web browser or on your console itself. Sony told us what to do below. ...
— PlayStation (@PlayStation)April 10, 2019 However, those wanting to change their online PSN ID, might want to be cautious with the feature as Sony has explicitly warned that major issues could occur with a small portion of games. These issues include losing saved game data, lost access ...
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索尼宣布,推出“Sony PlayStation Accessories”应用程序,让玩家可以在PC上自定义PlayStation 5的DualSense Edge手柄,包括创建配置文件、更改按键分配、设置摇杆灵敏度等,继续推进其进军PC游戏领域的战略。新的应用程序也不算新鲜,主要取代了过往的“Firmware updater for DualSense wireless controller”,并做了进一步的...
Sony forcing you to have a PlayStation Network account for all their recent PC releases hasn't been well liked, and they of course have no plans to back down on it.
SONY 索尼 国行 PlayStation5 轻薄版 游戏主机 数字版 ¥2685.51 历史折扣42条 京东此款目前活动售价2949元,下单参与立减13.49元优惠活动,实付低至2685.51元,近期好价。 与前机型相比,PS5主机(型号组-轻薄版)体积减少了30%以上,重量也分别减轻了18%和24%。主机盖分成四片独立面板,顶部采用亮面外观,底部则仍保...
When Sony launched the PlayStation Network in 2006, it asked users to create an online ID. People did just that, but many didn't take it as seriously as they should have. Cue 30-somethings with dumb names they grew out of a decade ago. Sony has always insisted that allowing people to...