【SONY PlayStation5-Digital Edition数字版 特价仅399欧!】真4K游戏在PS5上成为了可能,甚至连8K画面输出也不在话下。并且它还支持4K/120FPS游戏,支持可变刷新率,HDR及光追技术均一网打尽。其实光驱版和数字版的硬件都是一样的,只不过区别在于有无光驱,光驱版拥有数字版所有游戏和功能,并且可以购买光碟进行游戏,...
In this review, I will look at the features and the performance of the PlayStation 5, and how it compares to its extremely successful predecessor. As someone who has owned every PlayStation home console since the PlayStation 2, I have been looking forward to this for quite some time now ...
返回主机游戏索尼Playstation 5 评测+体验+分享 | Sony PS5 Review 澳采薇 2021-03-15 17:03估计大家已经看了很多的PS5的评测了,我使用了PS5也有1个月了,把这一个月的感受给大家说一说吧。点赞8评论0评论0打开App
Looking at the features and the performance of the PlayStation 5, and how it compares to its extremely successful predecessorSort by: ? Anonymous nmM 08 Feb 2021 "There is no variable refresh rate (VRR) support, which means the display cannot adjust its refresh rate based on the console...
不错,等了很久,中间拿的过程可谓是坎坷,今天终于是拿到了,顺便还买了一个4k屏幕,手柄的振动和扳机是最大的亮点体验起来很棒。紫薯布丁紫薯布丁紫薯布丁。 京东 索尼(SONY)PS5PlayStation®5光驱版国行PS5游戏机 ¥3529 去购买 电子酷玩carry全场 使用评测 SONY/索尼 ...
Sony PlayStation_PS5 Video Game Console (Digital Edition) - PlayStation - 5 This console unleashes new gaming possibilities that you never anticipated. Experience lightning fast loading with an ultra-high speed...
根据索尼的声音设计团队透露,PlayStation 5 居然开始支持杜比全景声 (Dolby Atmos) 转换和原生杜比全景声游戏,这简直是要让我们的耳朵过上豪华度假啊!不得不说,在经过将近三年的时间,PlayStation 5 终于在拒绝了杜比基于对象的音频技术之后,突然开窍,决定给游戏和流媒体加点杜比全景声的调味料(前提是应用程序...
第五代Sony PlayStation5推出了两种机型:带有蓝光光驱的普通版和仅支持数字游戏下载的数字版。众所周知,主机的性能是相同的(上面图片也可以看出来,外观略有不同),但是一个插光驱玩(日版港版4799),一个数字版下载玩(日版港版4199),价格差了5-600软妹币,应该怎么选?
sony在PS4上取得的成功并没有让公司产生骄傲之心,反而在PlayStation 5上保持了进取心。它的硬件性能与微软推出的下一代主机Xbox Series X基本相当,并且还具有我见过的最具创新性的游戏手柄之一。 虽然我 觉得PS5的工业设计可能不太符合我的审美观,但是类“路由器”的外型,可能也是充分考虑了有女朋友的玩家的真实...
Digital Accessories Included PlayStation 5 DualSense Controller - White Brand PlayStation Manufacturer Part Number 1000039670 Data Storage 1 TB Inputs & Outputs USB Type-C Processor Speed 3.5 GHz Screen Size 0 in Video Game Platform PlayStation 5 Color White Condition New Age Group Teen Frame Rate...