Over 100 gamers have voted on the 490+ items on Sony PlayStation 3 Games: List of PS3 Console Games. Current Top 3: Red Dead Redemption, Grand Theft Auto IV, ...
SONY PlayStation 3(PS3) PlayStation 3 PlayStation 3(官方缩写:PS3)是索尼电子娱乐推出的家用电子游戏机。PlayStation 3于2006年11月11日在日本发售,同年11月17日于美国、香港及台湾上市,2007年3月23日于欧洲和大洋洲推出。刚推出时分别是配有20 GB硬盘的基本款式,以及配有60 GB硬盘和部分额外功能(无线连网...
Download and play Sony PlayStation 3 ROMs free of charge directly on your computer or phone. Biggest collection of PS 3 games available on the web.
Drag and drop items from the bottom and put them on your desired tier. Modify tier labels, colors or position through the action bar on the right. Report RESET RANKING RESET TEMPLATE SAVE/DOWNLOAD TIER LIST Template by Dizzy Mike RECENT SONY PLAYSTATION 3 GAMES TIER LISTS No Tier Lists yet...
PlayStation 3(简称为“PS3”)是日本索尼旗下的索尼电脑娱乐(Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.)于2006年11月11日推出的一款家庭用电视游戏主机,也是该公司推出的第三款电视游戏机。PlayStation 3主机内置NetFront浏览器显示XMB图形用户界面,支持新建页面和后台运行,并且支持USB鼠标和键盘等外设。PlayStation 3搭载CELL...
Sony PlayStation 10755 Plays Koudelka Sony PlayStation 5709 Plays Juggernaut Sony PlayStation 7842 Plays In Cold Blood Sony PlayStation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 > Last Now Playing how to play video games Share Watch on how to play video games...
2015年10月,索尼游戏业务高层伊藤雅康在采访中透露第一方工作室已经停止了制作PlayStation Vita游戏的计划。2019年3月1日,索尼互动娱乐宣布在日本正式停产PlayStation Vita。可能是受到智能手机冲击,现阶段索尼并无计划推出后继机种。 PSV的模拟器目前还并不完善,感兴趣的朋友可以去友站看看这篇文章 ...
Sony, and since its release it has been the yardstick by which all other gaming consoles and platforms are measured. Many games made and developed by various companies have also been released for the PlayStation 3 or PS3 as it is more popularly known, and the year of 2013 is no ...
I still don't know why I can't put PS1 and PS2 discs in the PS5 and play them without a subscription yet I can put Xbox and Xbox360 discs in my Xbox One and play those without a subscription. I understand that PS3 will be ran on PS servers, but PS1 and PS2 emulation is on th...
Now Sony has detailed which games will be included in the Plus subscription, as well as the dates when the new service will go live in different parts of the world. Asia will get PlayStation Plus on May 24, Japan on June 2, North and South America will get it on June 13, and Europ...