ˎiPhone 5 ˎiPod touch(第3代) Windows Vista 在Windows电脑上安装Windows版的驱动程序软件,即“Sony USB ˎiPhone 4s ˎiPod touch(第2代) Home Basic(SP2或更高版本)/Home Premium(SP2或更高版本)/ Device Driver”。请访问以下网站,并安装软件。 ˎiPhone 4 ˎiPod ...
百度爱采购为您找到102家最新的sony pha-3驱动产品的详细参数、实时报价、行情走势、优质商品批发/供应信息,您还可以免费查询、发布询价信息等。
使用前,将iPhone、iPad或iPod更 将5芯平衡标准插头连接⾄耳机插孔(平衡标准),或将3芯立体声 PHA-2A 如果CHG POWER指⽰灯未点亮,则对电池充电。 新到最新软件。 迷你插头连接⾄耳机插孔(立体声迷你)。本装置不⽀持其他插 调⾼相连设备的⾳量。 ˎiPhone 6s Plus ˎiPad...
件,即“Sony Portable Headphones Amplifier USB 兼容的iPhone/iPad/iPod型号 3 4 ˎˎ如果听音乐的音量过高,即使本装置连接到电脑,电池电量也 部件名称 多溴 多溴二 Audio 2.0 Driver”。 本装置只能与以下型号一起使用。使用之前要把 会耗尽。 铅 汞 镉 六价铬 装置正面 ˎˎ如果电池剩余电量过低,...
URL: http://rd1.sony.net/help/mdr/pha-2a/h_zz/二维码:简体中文1对装置充电 逆时针旋转电源/音量旋钮直到发出咔嗒声来关闭本装置。装置正⾯ 使用Micro-USB线缆(附带)将开启的电脑连接至本装置的DC IN 5V/CHARGE端口(仅用于充电)。CHG POWER指示灯以红... ...
A balanced 2-meter cable makes it a snap to pair with a balanced amplifier, like the Sony PHA-3, to get the very most out of your setup. Additional Photos Specs Sony Design: Over-ear Construction: Metal headband, adjustable ear cups Driver unit: 70 mm, dome type, aluminum-coated ...
URL: PHA-1A /help/mdr/pha-1a/zh-cn/ 二维码: ©2015 索尼公司 马来西亚印刷 1 对装置充电 逆时针旋转电源/音量旋钮直到发出咔嗒声来关闭本装置。 装置正面 使用Micro-USB线缆(附带)将开启的电脑连接至本装置的 DC IN 5V端口。 POWER/CHG(充电)指示灯以红色亮起。 充电会在约3.5小时后完成,当使用建议的...
s technical literature notes that DSD 5.6 is not available for the Mac, and using Audirvana Plus 128x material is automatically converted to 176.24 PCM for playback. The PHA-2 employs an asynchronous USB 2.0 transfer mode that uses a proprietary driver for Windows; no drivers are needed for ...
The PHA-2 employs an asynchronous USB 2.0 transfer mode that uses a proprietary driver for Windows; no drivers are needed for Mac. Setup and Use With all the portable and computer playback devices I tried with the PHA-2 setup was virtually plug-and-play. The only “tricky” part was ...
PHA-3 MAP-S1 PHA-2 SRS-HG1 SRS-HG10 SRS-X9 UDA-1 Note: The RSX-GS9 model supports Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 only. Note: A USB DAC device driver must be installed on the computer. IMPORTANT: This file is only intended for use with the models specified. Not all models are sold ...