This product has been manufactured by or on behalf of Sony Corporation, 1-7-1 Konan Minato-ku Tokyo, 108-0075 Japan. Inquiries related to product compliance based on European Union legislation shall be addressed to the authorized representative, Sony Deutschland GmbH, Hedelfinger Strasse 61, 70327...
这款索尼 XDRS41D 收音机,可接收 DAB, DAB+, FM (RDS) 频道,涵盖了各种广播电台的信号,收听量丰富;顶部设有5个按钮,可轻松储存5个自己喜欢的电台,一键切换;此外还整合了闹钟的功能,实用性更高,紧凑小巧的设计适合放在床头或者客厅,也方便随身携带;电池寿命达25小时(DAB)或27.5小时(FM);带有耳机孔、LCD 显...
Inquiries related to product compliance based on European Union legislation shall be addressed to the authorized representative, Sony Deutschland GmbH, Hedelfinger Strasse 61, 70327 Stuttgart, Germany. For any service or guarantee matters, please refer to the addresses provided in the separate service ...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) SONY索尼PSP-N1002N1003 使用手册.PDF 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 Online user’s guide access from: /manuals System software updates /psp PSP® official site /psp Support /help-support Instruction Manual PSP-N1002 © ...
Where to buySUDDEN DEATH - I bought a new Sony Xperia Z3 Compact about 4 weeks ago but today it suddenly died: phone switched itself off, afterwards blank, nothing, not restarting, no recharging, not responding to hard reset. DEAD. The last activity was a low battery status message. ...
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