A306的整体流畅度是肯定不如新款手机的,但也不会一动就卡,主要是国内App越来越臃肿,定期“更新骗日活”造成的,“小而美”早就是历史,严格按照谷歌规范设计的苹果音乐则没这些问题。值得注意的是A306是支持TF( MicroSD)卡扩展的,卡的容量和速度也会影响系统使用速度,这也是为什么现在手机都不支持扩展卡的原因之一。
The newest budget Sony Walkman DAP (Digital Audio Player), the Sony NW-A306 Walkman, brings high-resolution audio to a portable, user-friendly device. This in-depth review aims to explore the Sony NW-A306’s design, build quality, sound performance, and features and assess its value ...
到手一周有余,该说不说这握持感也是没谁了。SONY的NW A306小巧便捷,A系列家族的小钢炮。我更加愿意称之为--小黑砖。作为黑科技傍身颇多的流媒体播放器,无论是声音,续航还是易用性都是值得一吹的。通勤在路上,摆烂在家中,甚至办公摸鱼都是一把好手……...
Sony’s hi-res A306 Walkman player is affordable, good to use and nice to listen to, but there are some issues that don’t let us enjoy its full potential.
Discover the NW-A306 from Sony.Enjoy a high-quality sound from this stylish and compact music player that lets you download and stream more of the music you love. With full Wi-Fi® compatibility, a longer-lasting battery and a stylish and sleek design,
索尼(SONY)NW-A306安卓高解析度音乐播放器MP3Hi-ResAudio3.6英寸32G黑色 比上次发布低5% 商品好评率96% 去购买 作为一个音乐播放器忠实信徒之前用过很多款索尼播放器。进进出出不断的更换,这次是卖掉了zx2入手新的型号306。叙述之前先说几句题外话,音乐播放器本身就是一个小众产品,不懂的人他肯定不会去入这个...
Discover the NW-A306 from Sony.Enjoy a high quality sound from this stylish and compact music player that lets you download and stream more of the music you love. With full Wi-Fi® compatibility, a longer lasting battery and a stylish and sleek design,
Sonynw-a30..说说306这两个月使用的体验吧 它的高解析度串流和均衡放大器是其亮点 我用舒尔se846或者是215或者是Sonyz7m2或者是Sonyxm4头戴的体验感都是拉满 除了xm4使用的时候听apple m