Sony NEX-6 DXOMARK Sensor Scores Overall Score[?] 78 Portrait (Color Depth)[?] 23.7 bits Landscape (Dynamic Range)[?] 13.1 Evs Sports (Low-Light ISO)[?] 1018 ISO Sony NEX-7 DXOMARK Sensor Scores Overall Score[?] 81 Portrait (Color Depth)[?] ...
Sony NEX-6 Video: Audio Recording The NEX-6 has very similar audio recording capabilities to the NEX-7, with one large exception: no standard external mic jack. The NEX-6 has an internal stereo microphone system comprised of two separate mics on the top front of the camera, on either sid...
NEX6 RX100M3 电池对比,黑卡3的BX1电池极度纤巧,让人联想到Nokia功能机时代的手机电池,比起索尼微单经典的FW50电池几乎小了一半,而容量只差1/3(5.2Wh vs 7.7Wh),从而保证了不差的续航(320张vs 360张,CIPA标准)。但是外出旅游的话双电依然是必须的。两台机器都支持充电宝Micro-USB机身充电。
Nikon D5000 Sony NEX-6 设计光学摄像电池功能 44 分 52 分 为什么Nikon D5000优于Sony NEX-6? 电池更持久150 shots ?510 shotsvs360 shots 具有自动对焦追踪功能 ? 录制影片时,相位检测自动对焦功能可以更快地进行视频自动对焦。 ? 具有卫星导航系统 ? 闪光同步快20% ?1/200 svs1/160 s 向下滚动,浏览更多...
Sony NEX-6 设计光学摄像电池功能 54 分 51 分 为什么Sony A6000优于Sony NEX-6? 对焦点多80个 ? 179vs99 49.07%更高的百万像素(主摄像头) ? 24 MPvs16.1 MP 25600 ISO更高的最大扩展 ISO ? 51200 ISOvs25600 ISO 10%更高的连续驱动模式数据 ...
NEX-7定位于高端,当时还配合一个感人至深的广告,一下子让大家觉得NEX-7无敌了…… NEX-7机身骨架采用不锈钢合金,外壳采用耐用但更轻的镁金属合金。距离全画幅微单似乎不远了。 α77造型给人感觉很奇特 2012年6月6日 黑卡1代,RX100.实际是黑卡指的是RX1,但是时过境迁,就变成了RX100的名字了,搭载了1英寸CMOS...
Sony NEX-6 評測 - 雖然無反市場並非由 Sony 首創,但前年推出首部無反 NEX-5 時,以極度進取的定價及極高的性價比,一下子吸收一大班用家上車,風頭可謂一時無兩。今次推出的高階無反 NEX-6 連 16-50mm 鏡頭售價
I recently moved from a Nex5N to a 6300 and recently up to the A7Riv (used to be a Canon fan).. I bought two lenses forward being the Zeiss 16-34 F4 and the 100-400 GM… I’m itching to buy a 3rd lens (fill the gap or let the A7Riv sing) and wondered if you had an ...
Read our detailed comparison of the Sony Alpha NEX-6 vs Sony Alpha NEX-3N to find out their strengths and weaknesses, and decide which one to choose.
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